Is direct mail marketing still effective?
Direct mail marketing has become less popular since the advent of email, meaning consumer letterboxes are becoming less crowded as inboxes become increasingly full. See the opportunity here?
Direct mail marketing has become less popular since the advent of email, meaning consumer letterboxes are becoming less crowded as inboxes become increasingly full. See the opportunity here?
Engage with the right online influencers and your business could begin seeing the success you’ve been dreaming of. These influencers need to be treated the same as any other valued, client or friend, so here’s some advice for how to approach them.
Getting into the minds—and wallets—of distracted, disinterested consumers is harder than ever. While the old way of doing things can still work, don’t overlook the possibility that there is a newer—and maybe better way—of doing things.
Haven’t bothered to take the time to learn about your customers? It could be costing you more than you imagine, so here’s how to make your customers feel special (and hang onto their business).
Don’t you hate it when you open a magazine and one of your competitors is featured and you just know that they’ll get customers from the publicity? You wonder why they were featured, and you weren’t. The answer? A public relations program.
No matter how much the world moves forward, the basis of good business remains the same – and that’s fulfilling customer’s personal or corporate needs. So, if you’re in the business of problem solving, you’ll always be in business.
There are a lot of ‘so-called’ gurus out there; marketing gurus, sports gurus, relationship gurus, sales gurus, wealth gurus… how are you supposed to stand out from the crowd?
Customers aren’t just concerned about what they’re buying, they want to know what they’re buying in to. Follow these tips to become the face of your brand.
Winning a business award is one of the most cost-effective ways to market your business, so Michelle Gamble has some tips for making an award work for you.
What’s your business card saying about you and your business? Cheap, flimsy or poorly printed business cards do little to create a favourable first impression, so consider these five ways of enhancing the impact your card has on everyone you meet.