This collection of grants and assistance is primarily for Australian companies. It is updated on a regular basis as a service to our Dynamic Business Gold Members.
Note this page is not legal or financial advice, you should confirm with your advisors if you are eligible for any particular grant.
Federal Government Grants & Programs
JobKeeper Payment
Last Updated: 17 September 2020
If your business is affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19), you may be eligible to access the JobKeeper Payment to help you to continue paying your employees or yourself if you are a sole trader.
The JobKeeper Payment is a scheme to support businesses and not-for-profit organisations significantly affected by COVID-19, to help keep more Australians in jobs. The JobKeeper Payment is administered by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
The JobKeeper Payment will be available to eligible businesses (including the self-employed) and not-for-profits until 28 March 2021.
Payment rates
Up until 27 September 2020 – the JobKeeper Payment rate will be $1,500 per fortnight for eligible employees and business participants.
JobKeeper extension
From 28 September 2020 – There are two separate extension periods. For each extension period, an additional actual fall in GST turnover test applies and the rate of the JobKeeper payment is different.
The rate of the JobKeeper Payment will depend on the number of hours an eligible employee works or an eligible business participant is actively engaged in the business. It will be split into two rates:
- Tier 1: This rate applies to:
- all eligible employees who worked for 80 hours or more in the four weeks of pay periods before either 1 March 2020 or 1 July 2020, and
- eligible business participants who were actively engaged in the business for 80 hours or more in February and provide a declaration to that effect
- Tier 2: This rate applies to:
- any other eligible employees and eligible business participants
From 28 September 2020 to 3 January 2021
The JobKeeper Payment rates will be:
- Tier 1: $1,200 per fortnight (before tax)
- Tier 2: $750 per fortnight (before tax)
From 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021
The JobKeeper Payment rates will be:
- Tier 1: $1,000 per fortnight (before tax)
- Tier 2: $650 per fortnight (before tax)
JobTrainer Skills Package
The Australian Government will invest $2 billion to give hundreds of thousands of Australians access to new skills by retraining and upskilling them into sectors with job opportunities, as the economy recovers from COVID-19.
The JobTrainer fund will provide for around 340,700 additional training places to help school leavers and job seekers gain the skills they need to get a job.
Women in Export Scholarship
In partnership with Chief Executive Women, Austrade recognises the skills of Australian business women and their contribution to the Australian export community with the Women in Export Scholarship.
The recipient receives a scholarship to attend Harvard Business School’s ‘Disruptive Innovation – Strategies for a Successful Enterprise’. The scholarship is awarded to a senior business woman in an internationally focused role.
Strengthening Business
Strengthening Business provides access to experts who’ll work with you to rebuild your business after the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires. They’ll work with you to strengthen the systems, operations and strategies of your business. Additionally they will connect you to the services you need to recover. Close date: 31 Mar 2022 05:00 PM AEDT.
Accelerating Commercialisation
Accelerating Commercialisation provides small and medium businesses, entrepreneurs and researchers with access to expert advice and up to $500,000 funding to help get a novel product, process or service to market. Open
Incubator Support
Incubator Support – Provides new and existing incubators with $13,000 to $250,000 of funding for up to 2 years. Funding covers eligible project value of up to 65% in regional areas or up to 50% in major cities. Funding is available to help start-ups develop the capabilities to succeed in international markets. Open
Major Project Status
Major Project Status formally recognises the significance of a project to the Australian economy. If your project is recognised you’ll get extra support and coordinated approvals. Open
- A single entry point for Commonwealth Government approvals
- Project support and coordination
- Help with state and territory approvals
Who is this for?
Developers with projects over $50 million and of strategic significance to Australia.
Regional Employment Trials
The Regional Employment Trials creates an opportunity for local stakeholders in 10 eligible regions to deliver employment related projects.Open
What do you get?
Grants between $7500 and $200,000.
Who is this for?
Local government, Regional Development Australia (RDA) committees and incorporated entities such as businesses and not-for-profits who want to deliver employment projects in selected regions.
SMART Projects and Supply Chains
The SMART Projects and Supply Chains service provides businesses with access to strategic or high-value projects that increase business capability, meet the specific needs of a market opportunity, or otherwise improve business performance and leadership capacity. Open
What do you get?
A facilitator will provide advice, guidance, and network connections, and you may also be able to access a matched Growth Grant of up to $20,000 to action recommendations from your participation in the project.
Business Energy Advice Program
The Business Energy Advice Program (BEAP) delivers advice to help small businesses and their representatives get better energy deals and reduce their energy usage. Open
What do you get?
A free personalised energy consultation and access to a Small Business Energy Check tool.
Innovation Connections
Innovation Connections assists businesses to understand their research needs, connect with the research sector and fund collaborative research projects. Open
We conduct the Innovation Connections in 2 stages.
Stage 1 – Innovation Connections Facilitation
You must first complete stage 1 before you can advance to stage 2.
The Innovation Connections Facilitation service is free and includes access to a highly-skilled facilitator. Your facilitator will work with your business to understand your research needs. You might:
- discuss strategic research opportunities in new or existing markets
- identify critical research areas for improving your products, processes and services
- find ways for your business to work with the research sector
At the end of the engagement, you will receive a Service Report that outlines your business’s research needs and opportunities.
If your facilitator recommends a collaborative research project, they will connect your business to expertise within the research sector. Your facilitator will also help define a project scope. You can then apply for an Innovation Connections Grant to co-fund the project.
Stage 2 – Innovation Connections Grant
If your facilitator recommends it, you can apply for an Innovation Connections Grant to undertake a research project that addresses the recommendations made in the Service Report.
Research projects must be in collaboration with a Publicly Funded Research Organisation (PFRO) and should develop a new idea with commercial potential. Your facilitator will help you decide which of the 3 available grants will suit your business’s needs:
- Researcher Placement – this grant places a PFRO researcher in your business to work on a specific research project (up to a maximum of $50,000)
- Business Researcher Placement – this grant places a researcher from your business into a PFRO to work on a specific research project (up to a maximum of $50,000)
- Graduate Placement – this grant helps employ a graduate or post-graduate with a relevant degree into your business to work on a specific research project (up to a maximum of $30,000)
Research and Development Tax Incentive
The Research and Development Tax Incentive (R&D Tax Incentive or R&DTI) helps to offset some of the costs you put into eligible R&D, which benefits the wider Australian economy. Open
You can apply to register your eligible R&D with the Department of Industry, Innovation & Science within 10 months of the end of your company’s income year. You may then receive a tax offset when you lodge your Company Income Tax Return with the Australian Taxation Office
To be eligible for the R&D Tax Incentive you must:
- be a company that is liable to pay income tax in Australia
- conduct at least one activity that meets the definition of a core R&D activity
- have eligible R&D expenditure greater than $20,000
The R&DTI offset rates are as follows: 43.5 per cent for small R&D entities (annual turnover of less than $20 million) and 38.5 per cent for large R&D entities (annual turnover of $20 million or more).
Textile, Clothing and Footwear Corporatewear Register
Employers can register their non-compulsory uniform and accessories. This provides employees with tax deductions for the cost of renting, buying or maintaining their clothing. Employers are eligible for fringe benefit tax (FBT) concessions on any contribution they make towards their employees’ uniforms
Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) Grants
Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) Grants provide funding for short-term research collaborations.
Round 10 has $10 million in funding to support CRC-Ps with a focus on addressing gaps in Australia’s waste and recycling capability, particularly in regards to plastics, paper, glass and tyres. Close date: 01 Oct 2020 05:00 PM AEST.
What do you get?
Matched funding of between $100,000 and $3 million. Grants are for up to 3 years.
Who is this for?
An industry-led research collaboration with at least:
- 2 Australian industry organisations, including at least 1 small to medium-sized enterprise
- 1 Australian research organisation
Growth Grants
If you’ve received an Entrepreneurs Growth service program, you can apply for a Growth Grant. With the grant you can engage external expertise to implement the recommendations in your Growth roadmap or plan.
You must submit your application within 1 year of receiving your roadmap or plan.
What do you get?
Funding of between $2,500 (ex GST) and $20,000 (ex GST), covering up to 50% of eligible project costs.
Incubator Support – Expert in Residence
Incubator Support – Expert in Residence provides incubators with funding to gain new skills and expertise and help start-ups to succeed in international markets. Open
Application detail: You can submit an application for Incubator Support – Expert in Residence at any time.
What do you get?
$5,000 to $100,000 of matched project funding for up to 1 year.
Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program
The Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program provides employers with incentives to employ an apprentice. Open.
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Funding of between $750 and $4000.
Who is this for?
Employers of apprentices.
ARENA Advancing Renewables Program
ARENA is providing up to $70 million in funding to support the acceleration of hydrogen in Australia through the Renewable Hydrogen Deployment Funding Round.
ARENA is allocating up to $7 million of funding towards activities focused on the provision of power system security and strength services from innovative methods or technologies that are non-traditional sources of those services. Methods and technologies must be applicable to electricity system scenarios with high shares of renewable energy.
ARENA is providing up to $15 million to support R&D to address end-of-life issues for solar PV panels, as well as lowering their cost.
Clean Energy Innovation Fund
The Clean Energy Innovation Fund is the largest dedicated cleantech investor in Australia, created to invest $200 million in early-stage clean technology companies.
The Innovation Fund targets technologies and businesses that have passed beyond the research and development stage and which can benefit from early stage seed or growth capital to help them progress to the next stage of their development.
It draws on CEFC finance and expertise to provide primarily equity finance to innovative businesses which work in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency and low emissions technologies.
Rural Australia
Farm Household Allowance
Note: From 27 April 2020 a Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight is paid to Farm Household Allowance recipients – see the Services Australia website for further details.
The Farm Household Allowance (FHA) program provides assistance to farming families experiencing financial hardship, no matter the cause of that hardship.
The program provides eligible farmers and their partners with a package of assistance that includes:
- up to four years of fortnightly income support (in every 10 year period)
- ancillary allowances such as Pharmaceutical Allowance, Telephone Allowance, Rent Assistance and Remote Area Allowance
- a professional financial assessment of the farm business (worth up to $1,500)
- funding to help develop skills, access training and pay for professional advice (up to $10,000 and can now include reasonable travel and accommodation to undertake training)
- regular support of a case manager.
Drought assistance
In the face of an increasingly variable climate, the Australian Government provides a range of assistance to farmers and primary producers. These measures are aimed at helping farmers prepare for and manage the effects of drought and other challenges.
Farm Finance
Farm Finance is an initiative of the Australian Government comprising four measures designed to build the ongoing financial resilience of farmers who are struggling with high levels of debt.
Agricultural Cooperation
Australia – China Agriculture Cooperation Agreement
The ACACA programme has been established to enhance agricultural cooperation between Australia and China and provide funding for a broad range of activities including, but not limited to technical exchanges, training programs, conferences, missions, workshops, information exchanges and/or programs, officer secondments, industry scoping missions, and feasibility studies.
On-going and recently closed grants and funding rounds
Carbon Farming Future Program
- Filling the Research Gap
- Action on the Ground
- Extension and Outreach
- Conservation tillage refundable tax offset
Carbon Farming Initiative
Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture
Natural Resource Management Grants
Australian Trusted Trader
Australian Trusted Trader provides businesses involved in importing and exporting with an accreditation to streamline and simplify customs processes. Open
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Successful applicants can access a range of benefits, including:
- a dedicated account manager to work with you to improve your compliance with border requirements and resolve border clearance issues
- priority trade services
- differentiated and prioritised examinations
- Mutual Recognition Arrangements
- use of the Trusted Trader logo
- monthly data reports on all goods imported or exported under your ABN
Who is this for?
Australian import and export businesses.
Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships (ESVCLP)
Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships provides fund managers and investors with support to help stimulate early stage venture capital investments. Benefits include tax exemptions on an investor’s share of a fund’s income and tax gains. Open
Application detail:
You can apply at any time using the online application form.
What do you get?
Partnership registration to get tax benefits for both fund managers and investors. Can include 10% tax rebate and capital gains tax exemptions on investments.
Who is this for?
Fund managers seeking to raise venture capital funds of between $10 million and $200 million.
New Business Assistance with NEIS
New Business Assistance with NEIS provides individuals who are not currently in employment, education or training with accredited small business training, mentoring and support, and an allowance to help them start their own business. Open
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Various funding programs and resources are available.
Who is this for?
Individuals not currently in employment, education or training who are interested in starting their own business.
New Business Assistance with NEIS provides personalised support to help you become a self-employed business owner. There are 8600 places available nationally each year, delivered by a network of 21 NEIS providers.
New Business Assistance with NEIS provides:
- accredited small business training
- personalised mentoring and support from a NEIS provider in the first year of the new business
- NEIS Allowance for up to 39 weeks, and NEIS Rental Assistance for up to 26 weeks (if eligible)
What are the eligibility criteria?
You can participate in New Business Assistance with NEIS if you:
- are at least 18 years of age when starting your new business
- are not prohibited by law from working in Australia
- are not an overseas visitor on a working holiday or an overseas student studying in Australia
- are available to participate in NEIS training (if relevant) and work full-time in your proposed business
- have not participated in NEIS in the past year
- are not an undischarged bankrupt
Tradex Scheme
The Tradex Scheme provides a cash flow benefit for importers who subsequently export the goods. It will give you an upfront exemption from Customs duty and GST. Open
Application detail:
You can apply for a Tradex order at any time.
What do you get?
Customs duty and goods and services tax (GST) exemption on goods that you import.
Who is this for?
Importers who will export identified goods within 12 months.
Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA)
The Disaster Recovery Allowance provides people whose income has been reduced because of a declared major disaster with a short-term allowance for up to 13 weeks. Open
Application detail:
Check the Services Australia website for application deadlines.
What do you get?
Payments vary.
Who is this for?
Individuals affected by a declared major disaster.
Employer Support Payment Scheme (ESPS)
The Employer Support Payment Scheme provides businesses who employ a Reservist or a self-employed Reservist with payments when the Reservist is absent from their civilian workplace on eligible periods of Defence service. Open
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Weekly payments equal to average adult earnings.
Who is this for?
Employers of Reservists and self-employed Reservists.
Loans for small to medium businesses to export goods or service
Export Finance Australia provides small to medium businesses with loans to help with the finance needed to secure export contracts or purchase orders. Open
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Loans from $100,000.
Who is this for?
Small to medium businesses.
Youth Jobs PaTH – Wages Subsidies
Youth Jobs PaTH provides funding for businesses to trial and/or hire a young person aged between 17 and 24, Indigenous Australian or 50 years and over. Open
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Funding of up to $10,000.
Who is this for?
Australian businesses.
Guarantees for small to medium business exporters
Export Finance Australia Guarantees provides export businesses or companies in an export supply chain with a guarantee to help access finance from their bank. Open
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Guarantee amounts from $100,000.
Who is this for?
Small to medium export businesses or companies in an export supply chain.
Fuel tax credits for businesses that use fuel
Fuel Tax Credits provide businesses who have purchased fuel for their business with a credit for the tax that is included in the price of fuel. Open
Application detail:
Registrations to claim fuel tax credits may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Credit for fuel tax.
Who is this for?
Businesses who use fuel in their operations.
Supporting Apprentices and Trainees
The Australian Government is extending and expanding the Supporting Apprentices and Trainees wage subsidy, to include medium-sized businesses who had an apprentice in place on 1 July 2020.
Eligible employers can apply for a wage subsidy of 50 per cent of an eligible apprentice or trainee’s wages paid until 31 March 2021. In addition to the existing support for small businesses, medium-sized businesses will now be eligible for the subsidy, for wages paid from 1 July 2020 to 31 March 2021.
Instant asset write-off for eligible businesses
Under the instant asset write-off, eligible businesses can claim an immediate deduction for the business portion of the cost of an asset in the year the asset is first used, or installed ready for use.
Instant asset write-off can be used for:
- multiple assets as long as the cost of each individual asset is less than the relevant threshold
- new and second-hand assets
From 12 March 2020 until 31 December 2020 the instant asset write-off:
- threshold amount for each asset is $150,000 (up from $30,000)
- eligibility has been expanded to cover businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $500 million (up from $50 million)
Coronavirus SME Loan Guarantee Scheme
The Coronavirus SME Guarantee Scheme will provide support for businesses. Under the Scheme, the Government will provide a guarantee of 50 per cent to small and medium enterprise (SME) lenders for new unsecured loans to be used for working capital. This will enhance these lenders’ willingness and ability to provide credit, which will result in SMEs being able to access additional funding to help support them through the upcoming months. SMEs with a turnover of up to $50 million will be eligible to receive these loans.
Eligible lenders are currently offering guaranteed loans up to 30 September 2020 on the following terms:
- Maximum total size of loans of $250,000 per borrower
- The loans will be up to 3 years, with an initial 6 month repayment holiday
- The loans will be in the form of unsecured finance, meaning that borrowers will not have to provide an asset as security for the loan
Backing business investment – accelerated depreciation
Eligible businesses, for the 2019–20 and 2020–21 income years, may be able to deduct the cost of new depreciating assets at an accelerated rate (up to 57% pa).
For each new asset, the accelerated depreciation deduction applies in the income year that the asset is first used or installed ready for use for a taxable purpose.
Export Market Development Grants (EMDG)
The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme is a key Australian Government financial assistance program for aspiring and current exporters. Administered by Austrade, the scheme supports a wide range of industries.
On 1 April 2020, the Federal Government announced an increase in funding for the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme. Funding for the scheme will increase by $49.8 million in the 2019-20 financial year, allowing exporters and tourism businesses to get additional reimbursements for costs incurred in marketing their products and services around the world.
This supplements the additional $60 million already committed by the Government, and brings EMDG funding to its highest level in more than 20 years at $207.7 million for the 2019-20 financial year.
In addition to increased EMDG program funding, the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, has waived the EMDG export performance requirements for 2020–21. This will ensure businesses will not have their EMDG reimbursement reduced should their export income fall due to COVID-19.
To further assist exporters in 2020–21, the Minister has determined the Initial Payment Ceiling Amount (IPCA) to be $100,000. This is the highest IPCA since the scheme’s budget was capped in 1997–98, and a significant increase from the $40,000 IPCA set for the past five years.
International Freight Assistance Mechanism
On 3 July, the Australian Government announced an additional $241.9 million to continue the International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM), helping keep international freight routes and flights operating until the end of the year.
The new funding will keep high-value, time sensitive and perishable exports and vital imports, such as medical supplies and other essential items, flowing as we continue the economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. It will also re-establish domestic connections for producers and growers in regional and rural areas that rely on air freight to get their products to customers.
$110 million will help exporters get their high-quality produce into key overseas markets. Return flights will bring back items critical to the ongoing health response. This includes vital medical supplies, medicines and equipment.
Boosting cash flow for employers
Last Updated: 02 July 2020
The Government is providing temporary cash flow support to small and medium businesses and not-for-profit organisations that employ staff during the economic downturn associated with coronavirus.
Through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), the Government will provide tax-free cash flow boosts of between $20,000 and $100,000 to eligible businesses, delivered through credits in the activity statement system, when they lodge their activity statements up to the month or quarter of September 2020.
Subsidised wages for people with disability
Wage Subsidies are available for employers who take on a Disability Employment Services (DES) jobseeker.
- The Wage Subsidy Scheme provides up to $1,650 (inclusive of GST) for jobs of at least eight hours per week, over 13 weeks.
- Wage Start provides up to $6,000 (inclusive of GST) for jobs of at least 15 hours per week, over 26 weeks.
- Restart provides up to $10,000 (inclusive of GST) for jobs of at least 20 hours per week, over 26 weeks.
Restart – help to employ mature workers
Restart is a financial incentive of up to $10,000 inclusive) to encourage businesses to hire and retain mature age employees who are 50 years of age and over.
NSW Grants & Programs
Fee and Licence Relief NSW
The NSW government is waiving a range of licence and permit fees for businesses for 12 months. Open
Application detail:
Apply at any time.
What do you get?
A range of licence and permit fee waivers.
Who is this for?
New South Wales businesses.
- new liquor licence application fees and pro-rata liquor licence fees
- annual liquor licence base fees and trading hours risk loading fees
- compliance risk loadings are not included but will be deferred and included as part of 2021-2022 annual liquor licence fees
Fee waivers for these licences start from 1 April.
- paintball venue permit
- tattoo parlour operator licence
From 15 April:
- home building contractor licence
- trade or specialist contractor licence
- motor vehicle repairer specialist licence
From 20 April:
- licence fee for tattooists
- home building: qualified supervisor certificates
- home building: tradesperson certificates
- motor vehicle tradesperson certificates
SafeWork NSW
From 1 April 2020, new application and renewal fees will be waived for:
- pyrotechnician licences (e.g. fireworks)
- registration permits for an amusement device
From 15 April 2020, new application and renewal fees will be waived for:
- asbestos removal licences and asbestos assessor licences
- demolition licences
- high-risk worker licences
From 20 April 2020, new applications and renewal fees will be waived for:
- High Risk Work Assessor Accreditation
- SafeWork Registered Training Organisations (for asbestos, construction and high risk work training) – new applications only
Commercial Refrigerator Rebates NSW
Commercial Refrigerator Rebates provide NSW small businesses with a rebate when they purchase or lease a new, eligible, plug-in commercial fridge or freezer. Open
Close date: 30 Sep 2021 12:00 AM AEST
What do you get?
Up to 5 rebates of between $120 and $1490
Who is this for?
NSW small businesses.
Bin Trim Rebates Program
The Bin Trim Rebates Program provides small to medium sized businesses with free waste assessments and rebates to help cover the costs of installing small-scale, on-site recycling equipment. Open
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Rebates of between $1000 and $50,000 to cover up to 50% of the capital costs.
Who is this for?
NSW small and medium businesses, facility managers and recyclers.
Export Assistance Grant NSW
The Export Assistance Grant provides exporting businesses, or businesses who were exporting goods or services before the impacts of COVID-19, bushfires or drought with funding to help them access global markets. Open
Application detail:
Apply at any time.
What do you get?
Funding of up to $10,000.
Who is this for?
NSW exporting businesses.
Sustainability advice for NSW medium to large businesses
Sustainability Advantage provides medium to large businesses with advice, training, education and networking opportunities to help develop their environmental sustainability and reduce costs. Open
Application detail:
Applications may be made at any time.
What do you get?
Practical workshops, one-on-one specialist support, seminars and facilitated networking opportunities.
Who is this for?
NSW medium to large businesses.
Women in Business NSW
Women in Business provides women living or working in New South Wales with access to a fully subsidised online program to help them establish a new small business or consolidate an existing small business. Open
Application detail:
You can apply at any time.
What do you get?
Fully subsidised online business training program with access to resources, events and other services.
Who is this for?
Women in NSW wanting to start or who are already operating a small business.
This fully subsidised online program is available to help women in New South Wales develop sustainable small businesses.
The program offers:
- 24/7 online access to topics that can be mixed and matched to suit your needs
- insights from Australia’s leading female entrepreneurs
- access to small business events
- other resources and services
Sustainability advice for businesses in Sydney’s North Shore region
The Better Business Partnership provides businesses in Sydney’s North Shore region with access to a range of services to help them reduce energy, water consumption and waste. Open
Application detail:
Applications are open at any time.
What do you get?
Access to advice and business resources to improve business sustainability.
Who is this for?
Businesses in Sydney’s North Shore region.
Environmental Upgrade Agreements NSW
Environmental Upgrade Agreements provide owners or managers with access to loans to upgrade a commercial building to maximise the building’s energy efficiency. Open
Application detail:
Applications can be made at any time.
What do you get?
Loan amounts vary on a case-by-case basis.
Who is this for?
Owners or managers of commercial buildings.
Going Global Program NSW
The Going Global Program provides NSW businesses with opportunities in key global markets and helps them to access new export markets. Open
Application detail:
Closing dates vary for each program.
What do you get?
A range of export support measures are available.
Who is this for?
NSW small to medium enterprises.
Motor vehicle duty refund on replacement vehicles
Revenue NSW will refund any motor vehicle duty paid on replacing a vehicle that was written off in a declared natural disaster. Open
What do you get?
Motor vehicle duty refund.
Who is this for?
Individuals in New South Wales whose vehicle has been written off during a declared natural disaster.
Special Disaster Loans – Bushfires NSW
Special Disaster Loans – Bushfires provide bushfire affected primary producers, small businesses and not-for-profits with concessional loans to help them in their recovery efforts. Open
Close date: 15 Dec 2020 12:00 AM AEDT
What do you get?
Concessional loans of up to $50,000 or $500,000.
Who is this for?
Primary producers, small businesses and not-for-profits in LGAs affected by bushfires that have occurred since 31 August 2019.
Tasmanian Grants
Regional Tourism Attraction Loan Scheme TAS
The Regional Tourism Attraction Loan Scheme provides businesses with loans to develop high-quality tourist attractions in regional Tasmania. Open
Close date: 02 Sep 2021 12:00 AM AEST
What do you get?
Loans of between $50,000 and $1 million.
Who is this for?
Sole trader, trust, partnership or private company.
Queensland Grants
Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program
The objective of the Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant Program is to support small businesses subject to closure or highly impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) shutdown restrictions announced by the Queensland Government, to adapt and sustain their operations, and build resilience. The program aims to see small and micro businesses:
- prepare for the safe resumption of trading in the post COVID-19 recovery
- continue to meet operating costs
- access digital technologies to rebuild business operations and transition to a new way of doing business
- respond to online opportunities, where possible, to sustain employment and maintain potential for longer-term growth
- upskill and reskill business owners and staff to benefit from new technologies or business models
- embrace business diversification to adapt and sustain operations
- create or retain employment.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible, your business must:
- have been subject to closure or otherwise highly impacted by current shutdown restrictions announced by Queensland’s Chief Health Officer on 23 March 2020
- have experienced a minimum 30% decline since 23 March 2020, over a minimum 1-month period due to the onset and management of COVID-19
- employ staff and have fewer than 20 employees at the time of applying for the grant (employees must be on your payroll and does not include the business owner(s))
- have a valid Australian Business Number (ABN) active as at 23 March 2020
- be registered for GST
- have a Queensland headquarters
- have an annual turnover over $75,000 for the 2018–19 or 2019–20 financial year, or you can provide financial records that show this will be met for recently started small businesses
- have a payroll of less than $1.3 million
- not be insolvent or have owners or directors that are an undischarged bankrupt.
Use the eligibility tool below to find out if your business is eligible to apply.
Read the frequently asked questions for more information regarding eligibility.
What will be funded
The available grant amount is a minimum of $2,000 and up to a maximum of $10,000 per eligible small or micro business.
QLD Coronavirus payroll tax relief
If you are an employer (or part of a group of employers) who pays $6.5 million or less in Australian taxable wages in a financial year, you can apply for a refund of QLD payroll tax for July and August 2020.
These refunds do not have to be repaid.
QLD Coronavirus land tax relief
You may be eligible for one or more of the following land tax relief measures:
- a 3-month deferral of land tax liabilities for the 2020–21 assessment year
- a land tax rebate reducing land tax liabilities by 25% for eligible properties for the 2019–20 and 2020–21 assessment years
- a waiver of the 2% land tax foreign surcharge for foreign entities for the 2019-20 assessment year
Your 2020–21 land tax liability will be deferred for 3 months.
For example, if your 2019–20 assessment notice was dated 1 November 2019 and you are liable for land tax again this year, we will not issue your 2020–21 notice before 1 February 2021.
COVID-19 assistance for QLD tourism lease, licence and permit holders
In response to the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus), the Queensland Government is providing rent relief for holders of tourism leases, licences and permits on state land.
Depending on your tenure type, support includes:
State land rent waiver
We are waiving rent for tourism lessees, licensees and permit holders for the period 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020.
Leases, licences and permits on state land for the purpose of tourism are eligible for a rent waiver, unless they are on minimum rent.
If you are not eligible for a rent waiver, you may still apply to defer your rent (see below for details).
You do not need to take any action to receive the rent waiver. The Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy will automatically waive your rent.
COVID-19 QLD Marine Tourism Rebate
Marine tourism vessel operators in North Queensland form a key part of the state’s tourism industry.
The $2 million COVID-19 Marine Tourism Rebate program is a key element of the Queensland Economic Recovery Strategy: Unite and Recover for Queensland Jobs to help accelerate the state’s recovery from COVID-19.
This program will directly support North Queensland-based marine tourism businesses operating vessels in eligible local government areas, focussing on those operating vessels in the Douglas and Whitsunday local government areas.
The program will support tourism vessel operators that have suffered losses of income because of the COVID-19 travel restrictions. It is designed to assist eligible applicants by offsetting the cost of privately owned marina berthing fees in an eligible local government area.
The assistance available under this program is a rebate up to a maximum amount of $20,000 (excluding GST) per operator.
Support and relief for QLD liquor and gaming licensees affected by coronavirus (COVID-19)
Due to the current effects of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Queensland, there is help available for liquor and gaming licensees.
Support includes waiving 2020–21 liquor licensing fees for current licensees as at 30 June 2020, payroll tax relief, funds for re-training and job-matching, and providing a $500 rebate on electricity bills.
Exemptions for Coronavirus (COVID-19) Queensland border restrictions for agribusiness, food manufacturing and commercial fishing workers
The 1-month class exemption that commenced on 22 August 2020 has been extended for one month from 21 September 2020.
The class exemption is for farmers and agribusiness workers needing to move between Queensland and New South Wales by road to perform essential agribusiness services or farming activities, such as tending to livestock or crops. The class exemption does not apply to seasonal workers.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Support for Queensland arts sector
The Queensland Government announced (16 June 2020) a new $22.5 million two-year Arts and Cultural Recovery Package for Queensland’s arts and cultural sector.
The Arts and Cultural Recovery Package includes a range of measures to strengthen the sector’s foundations for the future, drive new creative work, employ artists and arts workers, retain our skilled and talented creatives, and importantly, ensure the activation of our venues.
Queensland Arts Showcase Program (QASP)
The Queensland Arts Showcase Program (QASP) supports vibrant and accessible arts and cultural experiences for Queensland by individuals, organisations or collectives. The QASP program is delivered through three streams: Arts Accelerate, Arts Activate and Arts Advantage.
QASP provides up-front, one-off grants of up to $30,000 (sole-funding) and up to $60,000 (co-funding).
TIQ Market Ready: COVID-19 industry recovery package
TIQ’s contribution to industry recovery is the $1.1 million Market Ready initiative, which will:
- provide tailored export advice to SMEs on leveraging opportunities in the Chinese online market with the Digital Commerce Accelerator Program, China
- host webinars to provide practical expert advice on China market development
- continue to provide market intelligence and expert advice for exporters looking to enter new markets.
Go Global Export Program 2019–20
The Go Global Export Program provides Queensland’s export-ready small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) with financial support to enter a new international market.
Two levels of project funding will be available: Micro Export Grants up to $5,000 (excluding GST) and Macro Export Grants up to $25,000 (excluding GST).
Exporter Market Engagement Program 2020
The Exporter Market Engagement Program gives Queensland exporters an opportunity to travel, when possible, to their targeted export markets to do market research and make new business connections.
Benefits include:
- a $7,000 contributory fund to undertake export development activity in market
- cost-effective, targeted and tailored market engagement
- valuable insights into growing markets
- increased international market exposure for your business
- direct access to the Queensland Government’s extensive range of services and networks
Mentoring for Growth program
Mentoring for Growth (M4G) offers eligible businesses free access to volunteer business experts who provide insights, options and suggestions relating to challenges and opportunities you are experiencing in your business.
The M4G program assists Queensland businesses to grow and succeed in the current business environment.
The M4G program includes:
- Mentoring for Growth
- Mentoring for Investment
- Mentoring for Pitch
- Mentoring for Export
- Mentoring for Recovery
- Mentor Chats
When you participate in the M4G program, the Queensland Government matches its mentors’ expertise and experience with the business challenge or opportunity you have identified.
Mentors are drawn from a Queensland-wide pool of more than 700 registered mentors. All mentors have expertise and experience in coaching and/or developing businesses.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) electricity relief for small businesses
The Queensland Government is providing a $100 million power bill relief package for small businesses, including sole traders. Eligible customers will receive a $500 rebate on their electricity bill.
Who is eligible to receive the $500 rebate?
To be eligible, you must be a small business and:
- have an active electricity account
- use less than 100,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year
Sole traders, sporting clubs, community organisations and charities are all eligible if they meet these criteria.
Inbound Tourism Operators – Immediate Industry Recovery Package
The Queensland Government has activated an Immediate Industry Recovery Package to help local businesses and industry who are dealing with the effects of COVID-19.
As part of this, the renewal fees for Queensland registered inbound tour operators which fall due between 1 February 2020 and 31 July 2020 will be waived for 12 months.
Three year renewals will also receive a 12 month waiver.
Personalised transport industry fee relief
On 25 April 2020, the Queensland Government announced support for taxi, limousine and rideshare drivers and operators as part a $54.5 million transport industry package.
The package includes:
- providing existing booked hire/taxi driver authorisation holders fee relief to the value of a 6-month term for driver authorisation
- extending taxi/limousine licences for 6 months
- waiving the annual Taxi Industry Security Levy in 2019/20
- extending existing booking entity authorisations for 6-months
- temporarily extending the refund policy for holders of booked hire service licences so they can receive a pro-rata refund if they choose to surrender their licence
- waiving fees for operators to cancel and re-register their vehicles
Victorian Grants and Programs
Future Industries
The $180 million Future Industries Fund is about supporting investment in high-growth industries through industry excellence and development projects, including establishing collaborative networks and building supply chain readiness capabilities.
Priority actions for government under the strategies include investment facilitation, grants and other programs, targeted infrastructure improvements, programs to build workforce skills, and collaborative initiatives to support the adoption of global best practices in the following areas
- Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals
- New Energy Technologies
- Food and Fibre
- Transport Technologies
- Defence Technologies
- Construction Technologies
- International Education
New Energy Jobs Fund
The $20 million New Energy Jobs Fund is designed to support Victorian-based projects that create long-term sustainable jobs, increase the uptake of renewable energy generation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and drive innovation in new energy technologies.
The Renewable Communities Program
$1.139 million in grant funding aimed at community energy projects that will: increase the uptake of renewable energy generation; consider energy justice and social benefits; promote community participation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This targeted funding recognises the capacity and capability constraints often faced by community renewable energy groups.
Small Business Bushfire Support Grant
Grants of up to $10,000 to support small businesses who have experienced a significant loss of income due to the Victorian bushfires that commenced 21 November 2019.
The Victoria-Israel Science Innovation and Technology Scheme
Up to $250,000 in funding support from the Victoria-Israel Science and Technology Research and Development Fund (VISTECH).
The Victoria-Israel Science Innovation and Technology Scheme (VISITS) is an initiative providing Victorian and Israeli organisations with the opportunity to work collaboratively on projects of mutual benefit.
VISITS is open to all organisations (private sector and public sector), with interests in areas including (but not limited to) the priority growth sectors of: Food and Fibre; Professional Services; New Energy; Defence, Transport and Construction; Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals, and International Education.
Latrobe Valley Supply Chain Transition Program
Providing intensive transition support to businesses in the Latrobe Valley supply chain.
The Latrobe Valley Supply Chain Transition Program (LVSCTP) supports the businesses in the Latrobe Valley supply chain to guide them through the transition period as the Hazelwood power station and mine closes.
Eligible supply chain companies can receive assistance to develop and implement a plan for transition. Support for individual supply chain companies will be capped at $71,000.
Business Support Package
The Business Support Package provides more support to help businesses and workers through to the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The new package includes:
- The Business Support Fund – Expansion program providing $10,000 for employing businesses in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire and $5,000 for employing businesses in regional Victoria (except Mitchell Shire)
- A $30 million dedicated fund for Victoria’s night time economy to support the hardest hit businesses in hospitality.
- $26 million in mental health support will ensure Victorians dealing with the compounding challenges of running a small business can get the support they need as they navigate their way through the crisis.
- A $10 million business mentoring program, pairing small business owners with experienced professionals who can help them navigate their way through the crisis.
- A $40 million capped fund for regional tourism businesses to cover the costs of refunds.
- A $20 million fund to support small businesses in Melbourne’s CBD that are faced with a large and sustained shock to their trading environments. This includes $10 million funding for support delivered by the City of Melbourne.
Businesses will also benefit from an extended and expanded payroll tax deferral. Eligible businesses with payrolls up to $10 million can defer their liabilities for the first half of the 2020/21 financial year.
Business Resilience Package
The Victorian Government is investing $3 billion in the Business Resilience Package to help businesses impacted by ongoing restrictions and prepare for COVID Normal business.
$3 billion in cash grants, tax relief and cashflow support will be delivered to Victorian businesses that have been most affected by COVID-19 restrictions. The package will help businesses survive and keep Victorians in jobs.
- Small and medium sized business ($822 million): The third round of the Business Support Fund will provide grants of $20,000, $15,000 or $10,000, depending on size, to around 75,000 eligible businesses with a payroll of up to $10 million. Applications open Friday 18 September 2020.
- Licensed Hospitality Business ($251 million): Grants of up to $30,000 for licensed pubs, clubs, hotels, bars, restaurants and reception centres, based on their venue capacity and location, plus liquor license fees waived until 2021.
- Sole Trader Support Fund ($100 million): Grants of up to $3,000 to over 30,000 eligible sole traders in sectors such as retail, accommodation and food services, creative and media, hairdressing, gyms, events, education and training who operate from a commercial premises or location as a tenant.
- Alpine businesses ($4.3 million): Grants of up to $20,000 to help alpine businesses pay a service charge to Alpine Resort Management Boards.
- Business Chambers and Trader Groups ($3 million): A competitive grants program to support local business groups and chambers of commerce in helping their members adapt to COVID Normal.
Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund
Grants to support small private landlords facing hardship.
The Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund has been created in recognition of small, private landlords who may not have the capacity to provide rent reductions to their tenants under the requirements of the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme.
The Victorian Government is offering grants of up to $3,000 per tenancy to eligible small private, individual and joint-owner landlords, who are facing financial hardship after reducing rent for their tenants under CTRS requirements.
Third round of the Business Support Fund
Grants to support Victorian businesses that must stay closed or operate under restrictions until COVID Normal.
Through this third round of the Business Support Fund, eligible businesses will receive grants of $10,000, $15,000 or $20,000, depending on the business’ annual payroll.
Small Business Bushfire Recovery Grants Victoria
Grants of up to $50,000 are available to eligible Victorian small businesses affected by the Victorian bushfires
Small Business Mentoring Program
Find an experienced mentor to help your business.
Small Business and Small Business Clinics mentoring sessions: Free of charge, 45 minutes long.
Small Business Mentoring Service sessions: From $100/session, 1.5 hours long. For in-depth mentoring, lower rates are available for two or more sessions booked.
Small Business Bus
Free business advice from an experienced mentor. Operated by Small Business Victoria, the Small Business Bus visits Melbourne and regional Victoria as a ‘travelling office on wheels’. It offers friendly, professional assistance and expert advice from an experienced business mentor.
Advancing Victorian Manufacturing
Advancing Victorian Manufacturing – A Blueprint for the Future
Advancing Victorian Manufacturing is the Victorian Government’s blueprint to ensure Victoria is home to internationally competitive manufacturers that are growing economic opportunity and jobs.
View Advancing Victorian Manufacturing – A Blueprint for the Future (PDF 2907.06 KB)
- Supporting local manufacturing
- Regional Manufacturing Clusters
- Industry 4.0 Hub
- Additive Manufacturing Hub
- Australian Graphene Industry Association
- Auto Innovation Centre
- Victorian Industry Supply Chain Directories
- Wind and Solar Facilities
- Prefabricated Construction
Medical Device Partnering Program
The Medical Device Partnering Program (MDPP) is an ideas incubator with hubs in Melbourne and Adelaide. We foster collaborations between researchers, industry, end-users and government and develop medical technologies with global market potential.
East and Central Gippsland Drought Small Business Support
On-Farm Drought Infrastructure Support Grants of up to $5,000 (ex-GST) are available to eligible farm businesses in Wellington and East Gippsland Shires. Eligible farm businesses are required to provide at least dollar for dollar matching funding co-contribution.
The RFCS provides free financial counselling to farmers and small related businesses who are in, or at risk of, financial hardship. Counsellors can assist applicants to apply for the Farm Household Allowance.
A dedicated Small Business Financial Counsellor has been appointed in the Central and East Gippsland region to support non-agricultural small businesses impacted by drought conditions.
Solar Homes Small Business Mentoring Packages
Solar Victoria has partnered with Small Business Victoria to offer free Small Business Mentoring Packages to retailers and installers participating in the State Government’s Solar Homes Program.
Each retailer or installer can sign up for the mentoring package consisting of 2 mentoring sessions (90 minutes each), with an option to undertake a second package of a further 2 sessions.
2020 Bushfire Emergency Response Grant to Assist Indigenous corporations
A grant of up to $20,000 will be available to assist Indigenous corporations directly affected by recent bushfires to immediately secure and clean up damaged properties.
Forestry Business Transition Vouchers (FBTV)
The Forestry Business Transition program is part of the Victorian Government’s broader $120 million Victorian Forestry Plan Transition Package that focuses on retaining industry and community capability and jobs. The $1.1 million program will assist directly impacted businesses obtain support to plan for their future.
Night-time Economy Business Support Initiative
Our much-loved pubs, club and restaurants will benefit from the Victorian Government’s $40 million Night-time Business Economy Support Initiative, which will provide commercial rental relief for licensed businesses impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic who aren’t covered by the Commercial Tenancies Relief Scheme.
Sole Trader Support Fund
Eligible sole traders will receive a grant of $3,000.
The Victorian Government’s Sole Trader Support Fund helps eligible non-employing businesses in sectors that continue to be affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions. Eligible sole traders will receive a grant of $3,000.
South Australian Grants and Support Packages
Venture Catalyst
Venture Catalyst is a six-month program to develop founders with innovative ideas.
Participants accepted into the program will receive a tailored program of support designed to help early stage startup founders, plan and successfully execute their journey towards building a globally scalable and investment ready business.
Participants will also receive one-to-one mentoring from the ICC’s three Entrepreneurs in Residence; Kirk Drage and his company LeapSheep; former Techstars Adelaide Managing Director and Co-Founder of Gold Systems, Terry Gold; and serial entrepreneur and founder of Regency Food Services, Regency Staffing and Zen Energy, Richard Turner.
The program has three categories and is open internationally.
Business Growth Programs
UniSA Business Growth Programs
UniSA Business Growth Programs have enabled hundreds of Australian companies to maximise their growth potential and plan for success.
Sustainability Incentives Scheme
The Sustainability Incentives Scheme provides a range of rebates that build on the City of Adelaide’s previous national firsts in supporting community investment in sustainable technologies.
The scheme positions Adelaide at the forefront of technology and trends for low-carbon living.
Sustainability Incentives Scheme recipients are playing their part in Adelaide’s shared goal of a carbon neutral city.
If you are looking into some upgrades at work or considering improvements at home, see what rebate might be right for you and availability of funding pre-commitments.
- Solar PV Systems
- Shared Solar
- Energy Storage
- Controlled Load
- Electric Vehicle and Bicycle Charging Stations
- Electric Vehicle Charging Station
- Demand Management
- Carbon Neutral Certification
- Performance Ratings
- Energy Smart Apartments
- Solar Hot Water and Heat Pumps
- Water Saving Devices
Incentives summaries
The fact sheets below outline which rebates are available. Please check the relevant application form for specific eligibility criteria.
Sustainability incentives for business
Sustainability incentives for households
Sustainability incentives for multi-storey buildings
Sustainability incentives for car parks
South Australian Film Corporation
SAFC supports the development of outstanding, creative and original screen productions.
- Targeted Development Grant up to $20,000
- Matched Market Program – guaranteed Matching Funding
- Lottie Lyell Award 2020 – $20,000
- Audio Drama and Audio Documentary Development Initiative – $3000
Re-employment incentive scheme for employers (RISE)
The Re-employment incentive scheme for employers (RISE) program provides incentives for employers to help people who have been injured at work return to meaningful and ongoing employment if they are unable to return to their pre-injury employer. Businesses that employ a person with a work injury through the RISE program will receive a range of benefits and support including:
- reimbursement of up to 100% of gross wages for the first 4 weeks of employment, followed with 50% of gross wages for the following 22 weeks of employment
- support from a claims manager to ensure the transition into the new job is smooth for both the worker and the employer
- payments to cover costs such as minor workplace modifications and equipment to assist the worker.
Department of Primary Industries and Regions
Bushfire recovery support
Hail storm support
Drought support
Farming and agribusiness
Industry funds
Northern Territory Grants and Support Packages
Reducing payroll tax
Territory businesses that demonstrate substantial hardship* due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis will be eligible for the following:
- payroll tax abolished for six months – if you are a small or medium-sized business
- payroll tax deferred for six months – if you are a large business
- power, water and sewerage bills cut by 50% (all businesses) for six months
Businesses can apply from 1 May 2020.
Commercial tenancies
Territory businesses who need relief on the cost of their lease will receive extra support.
The following conditions apply:
- commercial tenants must demonstrate economic hardship* and request rent relief – landlords will be expected to negotiate relief in line with the code of conduct for commercial tenancies
- if they do this, they will also be eligible to receive payroll tax and utilities bills relief
The government will also waive the property activation levy for relevant landlords whose property becomes vacant due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
However, if commercial landlords do not negotiate in good faith with their tenants, they will not be eligible for this relief, or any of the economic support packages recently announced by the government.
Read more on the Prime Minister of Australia website.
*Businesses with less than $50 million turnover who have experienced a reduction of turnover of more than 30%.
Worker and Wellbeing Fund
The Worker and Wellbeing Fund can help you if you have lost your job or your income has been reduced because of Coronavirus (COVID-19).
You can only apply for this fund if you are not already receiving financial or wellbeing support including Centrelink benefits.
To apply or for more information, go to the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet website.
Jobs Rescue and Recovery
NT businesses can get involved in the NT Government’s Jobs Rescue and Recovery plan.
The plan includes the following:
- Home Improvement Scheme
- Business Improvement Grant
- Immediate Work Grant
- Small Business Survival Fund
- Business Hardship Package.
Eligible businesses can apply for funding through the Small Business Survival Fund.
To apply for funding or for more information, go to the Business Recovery website.
Territory Jobs Hub
Territory Jobs Hub is an online portal designed to help Territory workers find a new job quickly. Businesses that need workers can also use the portal to connect with those looking for work.
Read more about the Territory Jobs Hub.
Support for export business
Trade Support Scheme – COVID-19 Quick Response Grants
Find out how you can get help with the cost of export and international marketing activities.
Read more about the COVID-19 Quick Response Grants.
Additional support for export businesses
The trade and investment toolkit has a full list of support available to Territory export businesses.
For more information, go to the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade website.
Support for tourism businesses
Tourism business support program with KPMG
A $200,000 grant program will provide business support to tourism operators to ensure they are able to survive the economic impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
For more information about KPMG business support, go to the Tourism NT website.
You can also find out about the Tourism Resilience Plan on the Tourism NT website.
Support for sports and arts organisations
Creative industries sector Immediate Response and Resilience program
A $2 million re-prioritised funding program will support the arts, creative and screen industry sector with a focus on artists, arts groups and not-for-profit arts organisations.
Find out more on the Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities website.
Sport and active recreation sector Immediate Response and Resilience program
A $1.3 million re-prioritised funding program will support the sport and recreation sector.
A specific coronavirus (COVID-19) working group will also be established to guide a response and recovery plan for Territory sport and active recreation, and ensure organisations can rebound strongly from this current crisis.
For more information, go to the Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities website.
Western Australia Grants
Tourism Grants Funding
A $14.4 million WA Tourism Recovery Program, developed and supported by Tourism WA includes two funding streams:
- An initial $10.4 million in one-off cash grants to help eligible small tourism businesses who submit a recovery plan to demonstrate how the business intends to mobilise and adapt to the new market environment. Grant funding may be used to cover a range of fixed costs and recovery expenses outlined in the program guidelines. Applications closed on 12 June.
- A $4 million Tourism Business Survival Grants package for tourism operators dealing with exceptionally difficult circumstances; grants of $25,000-$100,000 will be available. Applications are open until 4pm 13 July 2020.
The $4 million Tourism Business Survival Grants package supports tourism businesses dealing with exceptionally challenging circumstances due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes those in regions where travel restrictions applied and whose business model relies on a high volume of inbound visitors.
Eligible applicants can apply for grants of between $25,000 and $100,000 to enable their business to successfully hibernate and adapt their operations through the recovery period.
More information on the grants, including the application process is available on Tourism WA’s corporate website.
Applications close 4pm, Monday 13 July 2020.
RED grants program
Applications for round three of the Regional Economic Development (RED) grants program are open until 7 July 2020.
The $28.8 million RED grants program is a State Government initiative that invests in community-driven projects that directly benefit areas within the nine Regional Development Commission (RDC) areas. Grants worth $13 million have already been awarded for 137 approved projects in rounds one and two of the program.
More information and links to the RDC websites can be found on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.
Indigenous Business Assistance
The Federal Government has announced $50 million in funding for 12 months from 9 April 2020, to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses in Australia during and following the disruption of the pandemic.
The package, to be delivered through Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) will fund Indigenous businesses to:
- get specialist advice to navigate the COVID-19 crisis which may include business positioning assessments, cash flow management guidance and help to access available stimulus measures such as the JobKeeper Payment or the Boosting Cash Flow initiative.
- access a loan/grant working capital stimulus package of up to $100,000. This funding will be assessed on a needs basis and be made up of a grant of up to 50 per cent of the package amount and access to concessional repayments and interest rates terms on loans. The loan terms will be up to 36 months, with zero repayments for the first 12 months.
The assistance will be available to all Indigenous businesses affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Eligible businesses must be at least 50 per cent Indigenous owned with active Indigenous management, and have been established for at least six months. Priority for the working capital stimulus package will be given to Indigenous businesses that may not be eligible for other government stimulus packages.
For more information and registration of interest visit the Indigenous Business Australia website.
ACT Grants
New and Emerging Organisation Support Program
The NEO Support Program is a key initiative supporting the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Agreement 2019-2028 Core Focus Areas of Community Leadership, Economic Participation and Inclusive Community.
Applicants are required to submit a business case which meets the requirements of these guidelines.
Business cases are due to the Community Services Directorate Service Funding Support team by 5pm, Wednesday 21 October 2020 and can be provided by email.
In the business case, applicants may apply for funding up to the amount of $25,000 for the NEO Support Program in 2020-21.
For more information see here.
Innovation Connect Grant Program
This program is designed to help Canberra based businesses develop innovative products and services. If your business is in the early stages of preparing an innovative product or service for investment or commercialisation, then Innovation Connect may be able to help you get to the next step.
The program has three categories:
- Proof of technology
- Accelerating innovation
- Clean technology
Innovation Connect grants range from $5,000 to $50,000. Grants are awarded on a dollar-for-dollar matched-funding basis. Payments are made following the completion of agreed milestones.
For more information see here.
NSW Government-funded Boosting Business Innovation Program (Innovation Districts Covid-19 R&D Challenges)
Eligibility criteria:
To be eligible, businesses must have:
- An ABN registered in NSW and be based in NSW
- Fewer than 200 employees
- Been trading for at least 12 months
- At least $75,000 in sales revenue within the last 12 months or previous financial year
- A product or service (which may still be in development) that directly addresses the impact of COVID-19 that it intends to market within 12 months
- Ownership that is at least 75per cent Australian and is not more than 50 per cent owned by another business.
- The total funding pool for the grant available for the challenge, is $500,000 with the highest-ranked applicant to receive $250,000.
Application process:
12 Innovation district partners will identify businesses with connections within their area, either through research relationships or physical location. Businesses seeking to learn more should liaise with the innovation district partner, or contact the Global NSW Concierge at www.global.nsw.gov.au/contact-us.
12 innovation district partners:
- Australian Catholic University
- Charles Sturt University
- Macquarie University
- Southern Cross University
- University of New England
- University of Newcastle
- University of New South Wales
- University of Sydney
- University of Technology Sydney
- University of Wollongong
- Western Sydney University
Close date:
11 November 2020, 05:00 PM AEST
Check with your Innovation District partner for the local closing date.
Applications to Australian Catholic University close on 1 November 2020.
More information: https://www.business.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/322906/Guidelines-Innovation-Districts-COVID-19-R-and-D-Challenges.pdf