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Small Business


It’s gold, gold, gold to SWAN Systems in FoodBytes! Pitch 2020


How to get your small business started online

Small Business

Growing complexity in cloud architecture increases vulnerability to ransomware attacks, research says

As part of the 2020-21 Federal Budget announced in October, the government unveiled the JobMaker Hiring Credit to incentivise businesses to hire young job seekers over the next 12 months.
Australian Budget 2020

Can you use the JobMaker Hiring Credit? Program Checklist and Detailed Explanations


Want to do business with the Federal Government? Start E-invoicing


Four trends set to reshape online shopping

Small Business

Green-powered passenger ferries made by Brisbane-based small businesses

Australian Federal and State Governments offer more than 1,000 grants and funding programs each year targeting different sectors and different types of activities from ‘cleaner tech’ to ‘accelerating commercialisation’.

Six musts for grant success in 2020