Checklist: What to look for in a great marketing consultant
The most successful marketers measure what they do and know how marketing activities impact revenue. Here are the 7 key competencies you should look for when hiring a marketing consultant.
The most successful marketers measure what they do and know how marketing activities impact revenue. Here are the 7 key competencies you should look for when hiring a marketing consultant.
Just like a garden needs water and fertiliser to grow, a business needs structure, discipline and an strategic approach to business development and marketing to reach its pinnacle, or does it?
Direct mail marketing has become less popular since the advent of email, meaning consumer letterboxes are becoming less crowded as inboxes become increasingly full. See the opportunity here?
What’s your business card saying about you and your business? Cheap, flimsy or poorly printed business cards do little to create a favourable first impression, so consider these five ways of enhancing the impact your card has on everyone you meet.
Here’s why online marketing should co-exist and complement every other marketing exercise you do in your business.
In these days of social media and eNewsletters, is there still a place for good old-fashioned direct mail through the letterbox? One man says yes.
Franziska Iseli-Hall blogs about making the most of online marketing.
“…the internet can be a very cost effective platform for small businesses to attract clients.”
Danielle MacInnis blogs about what Ita Buttrose has taught her about marketing for small businesses.
“Ita shared some really valuable marketing insights that we can all leverage!”
Matthew Johnson looks at using SMS marketing to support your email marketing activities.
“Most of us keep our mobile phones within arm’s reach and check new messages within minutes. So it’s no wonder SMS marketing is now a popular way for marketers to connect with customers.”
David Iwanow blogs about the benefits of including affiliate marketing in your small business marketing mix.
“The main benefit is that it’s performance based, so you pay when affiliates deliver leads or generate sales. It’s also a great platform as it overlaps with other marketing methods both offline and online.