No more taxes, retailers plead
A leading retail body is calling on the federal and state governments to consider the impacts of new taxes on consumers and businesses, as many begin 2012 budget discussions.
A leading retail body is calling on the federal and state governments to consider the impacts of new taxes on consumers and businesses, as many begin 2012 budget discussions.
Successful entrepreneurs and business owners know their numbers and rely on their accountant to provide specialist help and leadership in this area.
As the festive season rolls around, small business operators once again turn their attention to the organisation and planning of end-of-year celebrations and gift giving. But don’t fall foul of the tax office—find out what your obligations are for this festive season.
MYOB has officially launched its $75 million next generation accounting solutions, as part of a new vision for the company’s business management systems.
Trend Micro’s Tina Su blogs about remaining vigilant online as the EOFY draws closer.
“Cybercriminals often capitalise on the tax season to launch a plethora of attacks and that is not surprising.”
Happy June! The end of financial year ‘EOFY’ is almost upon us!
I know that, for some of you, today signals added stress and more pressure. But that doesn’t need to be the case.
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) and the Business Council of Australia (BCA) have lobbied the Federal Government for a low price on carbon emissions, both saying that a low price is required for businesses to stay competitive.
Adrienne Unkovich of Workforce Guardian blogs about the top 5 things you should be doing to meet your employer obligations in the lead up to EOFY.
“The Fair Work Ombudsman’s office makes no secret of its continuous education program and on-site inspections. However a visit from a Fair Work Inspector is rarely good news for any business.”
Figures recently released by National Credit Insurance (Brokers) showed that the number of bad debt claims in February 2011 is almost 80% higher than claims for the previous month. The spike has caused cash flow finance specialist Oxford Funding to warn businesses to keep an eye on their debtors.
Mark Bouris shares six tips on how to set and achieve goals to make your small business a success.