Australian retailers account for majority of online shopping spend
Australians shopping online spend more on purchases from local retailers than they do on purchases from overseas retailers despite the increasing strength of the Aussie dollar.
Australians shopping online spend more on purchases from local retailers than they do on purchases from overseas retailers despite the increasing strength of the Aussie dollar.
Businesses need to optimise their online marketing campaigns by including analytics to track campaign performance and convert the visitors to their websites into paying customers, says digital agency Cru Digital.
There are three main factors that differentiate Business-to-Business (B2B) sales from Business-to-Consumer (B2C).
I love my clients. They all have tremendous passion for their business, and genuinely believe in what they’re doing. And when you’re passionate about what you offer, marketing and sales become a lot easier, and your business is more profitable. Here’s why.
I’ve been working with a number of businesses lately developing their marketing strategy and marketing plans for the next 12-18 months. One of the key parts of the planning process has been identifying clear and measurable targets, so we can develop a plan on how to achieve them. For some businesses it also helps manage internal expectations of what can be achieved.
Creating an online retail website is the easy part, making sure you integrate it properly with your existing retail store and are able to service your customers effectively is where things get tricky, so we got the low down on creating an online retail store. was founded in 2006 by Gabby Leibovich and his brother Hezi. Loosely modelled on an American concept of one deal, every day, the business has caught on in a big way in Australia, topping the Hitwise rankings in its category.
Groupon clone OurDeal is hoping online group coupon ordering won’t be an ordeal as it tries to replicate the success of Groupon clones Spreets, Ouffer and Jump On It in the Australian market.
Businesses leveraging “group coupon” buying sites in Australia such as Jump On It, Spreets and Ouffer has boomed, with all three bringing the Groupon concept from the USA to satisfy local demand.
It’s been a busy few weeks in the Azure Group offices. Unusual for most accountants, but for us, it’s a time when our tax team and accounts teams combine to work on reconciling our client’s accounts, record year-end tax journals as well as collecting and collating compliance files for our clients.