Businesses downbeat after hard Christmas
Australia’s business confidence has suffered after a difficult Christmas period, according to the December quarter 2014 ACCI Survey of Investor Confidence.
Australia’s business confidence has suffered after a difficult Christmas period, according to the December quarter 2014 ACCI Survey of Investor Confidence.
In the midst of the peak retail period for the year, the news that consumer sentiment has fallen for the ninth straight month could not come at a worse time.
Australians are making plans to secure their future as the nation’s consumer confidence dips sharply.
10 international conferences have been secured by the City of Sydney, a move the City says will provide the local economy with a $42 million boost.
Tradies may have been slow to adapt to the digital revolution, but a new breed are breaking the mold, engaging with social media and utilising cloud services as they compete to market themselves online.
The next six months are set to see an increase in revenue, as well as improved business conditions.
The Australian economy is at an interesting period of transition.
The Australian retail sector has been profoundly shaped in recent years by changing consumer demands.
There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to business success, however economists and trend watchers concur that some sectors have greater potential for prosperity in 2014 than others.
In 2013 the overall number of job advertisements declined by 9 per cent, suggesting that employers are hesitating to take on new staff.