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10 ways to make email better

Hate managing email? This list of tricks can help.

I have nearly 21,000 email messages in my inbox. I don’t file, archive, or delete anything.

Think this hands-off approach is a bloody mess? Personally, I think my approach is working–I try to touch email messages as few times as possible, spend zero time organizing them and feel confident if I ever need to search for a keyword or for someone who works at a particular company, Gmail’s search capabilities can find it in my massive pile.

Yet I’m doing it all wrong, according to email-filtering service Sanebox, which advises the opposite strategy–one in which you let its algorithms sift through all your messages and organize them neatly into manageable folders that do all sorts of neat tricks. I’ve tried it, and it is, indeed, slick.

…to read this article in full, visit leading US small business resource, Inc.

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