18% of Australian businesses use social media – 35% have a website
Australian businesses appear disinterested in Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, with only 18 percent of those surveyed using social media to promote their business.
Australian businesses appear disinterested in Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, with only 18 percent of those surveyed using social media to promote their business.
The Greater Building Society is joining a large number of Australian businesses big and small in using Twitter as another way to communicate with its customers.
National Australia Bank is relaunching nab.com.au alongside official NAB profiles on Twitter and YouTube in order to reach customers in the time and place they find most convenient rather than force customers to use a single contact method.
The sixth Digital Citizens event, “Startups, small shops and bootstrappers: the real value in social media and digital PR for small business” will discuss both the benefits and the pitfalls of using the social ‘social media’ to reach customers
I worked on The Com Store account way back in the early nineties, when it was one of the dominant forces in mobile phone retailing, along with Strathfield Car Radio.
Trends begun in the mid-to-late nineties really became the dominant voice in their respective markets as more households went online.
The Storm Botnet, responsible for the majority of spam email on the internet is now resorting to using URL shortening services made popular by Twitter such bit.ly and tinyurl.com to bypass spam filters.
Twitter can now be integrated into your contact centre, with new software from IPscape allowing tweets to be responded to by your customer service representatives in a timely fashion.
Social media has jumped to the top of the priorities list for Australian-based contact centre managers as companies look forward towards the new financial year
Businesses are quickly catching on to the social network phenomenon, with more and more investing time and money into developing an online social profile.