10 things every customer wants
Surprisingly, the best price and best value is at the bottom of the customer’s priority list. See what’s at the top.
Surprisingly, the best price and best value is at the bottom of the customer’s priority list. See what’s at the top.
Being successful at selling means setting high goals, staying focused and winning over your most important prospect: yourself. Here’s how.
Businesses expect to close in on a sale after communicating once with a potential buyer, but research found that 98 percent of sales occur once a certain level of trust has been established.
Has your company culture morphed into a frankenstein with a life of its own? It’s almost certainly distracting you and everyone else from actually doing great work.
You want the shortest path from pitch to sale. Being original is going to send you on a detour.
Sales isn’t about effort, it’s about results. Many entrepreneurs fill their time with busy work, rather than really going after customers. Here’s how to set yourself on a path to selling success.
We’ve all been faced with unpleasant, pushy salespeople at one time or another. This is not to say that they’re all bad, but there are some who, dare I say, need a brutal reality check.
There are serious problems with the sales commission model. So why doesn’t anyone get rid of it? Here’s the story–with some fiscal results–of a software company that did just that.
Learning to take rejection in stride requires practice. Here are six ways to help you take a hit and bounce right back. Rejection has probably destroyed the careers of more salespeople than any other single thing. No one likes rejection and only a very few get to a point where they are not affected by it. But […]
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