How to increase your engagement on Facebook
Reach out to the people you already know, says Nick Bowditch, Facebook’s Head of SMB.
Reach out to the people you already know, says Nick Bowditch, Facebook’s Head of SMB.
Facebook is only nine years old, and Twitter is around seven, but the time for social media to grow up has come.
After humble beginnings on Twitter just a few years ago, the hashtag has grown to become a more powerful marketing tool than many thought possible.
With more than one billion Facebook users competing for posts, likes and shares, it can be difficult to make sure your social content reaches its fullest potential.
Online marketing is an ongoing process that requires regular time and effort, and fortunately you don’t need to be an SEO guru to improve your website traffic.
A number of high profile organisations are now taking applications for grants and scholarships aimed at giving talented and innovative entrepreneurs a leg up.
If you check your social media networks as soon as you wake up, you’re not alone – new research indicates that a case of FOMO is the culprit.
Post infrequently and risk missing out on valuable exposure? Or post incessantly and risk irritating customers? How much is too much?
Social media is a critical tool in promoting your business, products and events, but it needs to be done right in order to be effective.
The social-media giant will now identify pages that are managed by high-profile businesses and celebrities.