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Work getting in the way of love

According to a recent study, the majority of working Australians believe work is getting in the way of their love life.

HR Live surveyed 1,000 employees, and the results indicate bosses need to take more interest in their employees’ love lives.

97% of Australians say a satisfying relationship or dating life is important to their overall work-life balance, yet 66% of the same respondents also believe work demands negatively affect personal relationships with partners.

And this negative affect can operate both ways; 60% of respondents said relationship problems had hurt their ability to do their job at one time or another.

"One recent study abroad showed new divorcees skipped a whole month of work and another estimated relationship stress can cost companies upwards of $6 million per year," says Stuart Milne of HR Live.

And it seems a major shift in the way business operates is thought to be the only solution to relationship woes. 17% of those surveyed think their employers should offer single workers assistance finding love, and a further 40% said employers should offer married employees counselling when they’re having relationship issues.

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