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The new year is a time of change, whether it’s personal or professional.

“With increased energy levels, focus and objectivity afforded by time away from the office over Christmas, the New Year is an optimal time to try a radical different approach,” says Anthony Howard, CEO of Merryck & Co Australia. “For CEOs, this may mean exploring new ventures, new markets or new products, or, on a more personal level, it may mean committing to a more balanced way of life. It is a good time to reflect more on who you are, rather than what you do.”

Merryck & Co suggests the following resolutions.

1. Think – In the constant rush of meetings and demands, it can be difficult to process everything you are seeing and hearing. Spend at least half a day each week thinking about the business and your life direction. Spend two weeks of the year getting out and ‘seeing the future’ in an entirely different industry and/or culture.

2. Challenge – Apply a fresh set of eyes to the business and challenge absolutely everything you take for granted. What do you do that others, either in your business or outside, may consider absurd, stupid or dated?

3. Lead – Instil a culture of accountability around clearly agreed outcomes, and then unleash people to do their job. Be a leader, not a manager, and help everyone to become a leader, too.

“The advice we give to CEOs is applicable to anyone who wants to successfully lead a team and achieve business or personal excellence in 2008. Think, challenge and lead is a powerful call to action – a roadmap for breaking new ground and inspiring others to do the same,” says Howard.

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