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New Year’s Resolution: Find New Employment

With almost half of Australians planning to leave their jobs in the new year, it’s not looking good for SMEs.

A survey by final5 found 48.5 percent of respondents are planning to quit their jobs, with this number rising to 59.7 percent in the 18 to 35 year age group.More part-timers are also planning their escape strategy.The main reasons for employees seeking change are salary, boredom, and career advancement.
“Employers seeking to attract new staff need to understand that salary is important,” says Jason Snell, final5 general manager. To attract talent you need to ensure you are offering a competitive salary including performance based incentives. Allow employees to contribute to the business, not just work in it.  Make sure that your staff know they are valued by acknowledging and rewarding contributions, non monetary incentives are sometimes the best.”

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