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NSW Deputy Premier John Watkins has announced the members of the NSW Innovation Council.

The creation of an Innovation Council was among the promises made in the NSW Government’s Statement on Innovation.“The Innovation Statement is all about helping Australia’s smartest state work even smarter,” says Watkins. "The council includes respected leaders in business and government with expertise in the industry sectors most important to the state’s economic future. "This council will advise the government on world-leading policies and strategies to build the innovative capacity of the private sector.” “The Premier’s State Plan has as a key priority increasing investment and building stronger rural and regional economies and the council will implement those priorities,” adds Watkins. The council will include:  Steven Harker (Chair) – managing director and CEO Morgan Stanley Australia Catherine Livingstone – business director and former chair of the CSIRO, former head of Cochlear Pty Ltd Professor Jonathan West – director, Australian Innovation Research Centre, on whose work the Innovation Statement is based Dr David Skellern – CEO, National ICT Australia Greg Smith – director, Animal Logic Mark ONeill – former executive director, Australian Coal Association Robyn Kruk – director-general, Department of Premier and Cabinet John Pierce – secretary, NSW Treasury Michael Coutts-Trotter – director-general, Department of Education and Training and managing director, TAFE NSW director-general, Department of State and Regional Development.
“Innovation will be a key driver of our future international competitiveness, productivity, and economic development.”
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