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1. Top Menu bar button drop down – no gap between the  drop down links. at the moment it looks like the background colour on each text link, is sitting seperately to all the other links in the drop down. can we make it so it is a solid background on the drop down. DONE

2. Top Menu bar button drop down – Make the background on the drop down wider than text so it doesnt touch the edge. and give each text link more space above and below.DONE

3. Side Menu Nav bar – Can the red arrow next to menu item turn and face downwards when mouse rolls over . it is supposed to look as though it is dropping down and the menu is appearing at the same time. 

4.Side Menu Nav Bar – Drop down links. Can the arrow next to text (>) please be placed in the centre of the text it is pointing to. DONE

5. Side Menu Nav Bar – Drop down links.(referring to these arrows '>')  Can the arrows only appear as the link text is rolled over? and they will appear in red.DONE

6. Can we please use the red I specifed with Mike. # cc0000 this should go throughout the whole site. DONE

7.  News Feed banner – can we please remove the black line along this banner DONE

8. Tech news – please remove the background tint. THe tint is only used for ' how to guides'DONE

9. How to Guides banner – please make the same grey as the other banners. It is lighter at the moment.DONE

10. Main Menu across top – can the links please fill the whole grey band. may mean making background box on each link, wider. The space between each grey link box, should be very small, to seem as though the boxes are tightly placed next to each other.

11. Can the extra links on the left side Menu be removed. Please see List Colin has sent to Mike. After 'entrepreneur profiles, there should be the two directories.DONE

12. Can we use the design for the poll i created in Photoshop please. I sent this through as a seperate files when i first sent files.


Thanks for this. let me know if you need me to explain any of these changes.





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