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Working in a business, and on a business, is difficult. To ease the process, the NSW Department of State and Regional Development is arranging the BREAKthrough program; business mentoring to move SMEs to “the next level”.

The Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC) and Dr Ilan Kogus will mentor businesses on growing and finding innovative solutions over a four month period.   Eligible SMEs will be those with a business older than two years, and with a financially viable turnover exceeding $200,000. The business should also employ staff, other than the owners. A maximum of eight companies will be chosen for each four month program, and applications must be submitted before December 21 2007.For more information, take a look at http://melonmail.melon.com.au/ch/yccsyg/339770/d4d38q3v9.pdf

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