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How 4 small businesses are winning on Pinterest

The hot social network can help boost website traffic, sales and customer retention.

It’s been a few months since photo-sharing site Pinterest was all the rage in social media circles. Pinterest grew from seven million unique visitors in December 2011, to a high of almost 20 million in April, according to web traffic analysis service Compete.com. While growth has leveled off, use has remained consistent.

Pinterest is starting to deliver significant results for some small businesses — even ones that aren’t necessarily visually stimulating. Sure, posting pictures that people re-pin, comment on or “like” may seem innocuous. But when you realise the source of the pin remains as a hyperlink on the photo itself, the possibility of driving people to your website becomes apparent.

If Pinterest is driving people to your website, you can use Google Analytics or other tracking measures to determine how much money each visitor from Pinterest is spending on your site. If your goal is simply to increase awareness or customer retention, you can monitor traffic, the number of followers, or engagement metrics like re-pins, comments and thumbs-ups.

…to read this article in full, visit leading US entrepreneurial resource, Entrepreneur.com

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