Customer Churn: How to heal a broken customer relationship
Aussie consumers deserve better! Let’s talk about how brands can create meaningful customer experiences
Aussie consumers deserve better! Let’s talk about how brands can create meaningful customer experiences
Here are three ways to engage existing customers & drive conversions on social platforms
In a recent ruling, the court clarified the status of Payment Claims related to ‘construction work’ under the SOP Act. Here’s more
Employee benefits, when implemented properly, are among the most effective ways to motivate staff and bring out the best in your people. Staff will eventually leave if they’re not valued or treated fairly. Companies that want to invest in their workers can use perks, such as flexible working arrangements and salary packaging, to show recognition […]
Top tips to pick the best agency for your business.
Top tips for keeping employees.
While futurists talk about Artificial Intelligence and robots ruling the workforce, the HR industry has a challenge that is much closer to home. Digitising recruitment and retention processes is critical in today’s hot talent market in order to strike the delicate balance between maximising profit and retaining the best staff. This fact is amplified for […]
Retaining key employees can be a struggle, particularly when they are talented and experienced. Research from the Australian Human Resources Institute Pulse Survey on Turnover and Retention reported that in 2016 employee turnover was as high as 16%, which had increased by 3% from 2012. With the rise of social media and professional networking sites […]
Digital technology is driving change in the Australian workforce like never before. And while it’s creating more efficient and effective work environments, it also brings with it some unique challenges. Professions and career models have begun to morph, talent gaps are widening, and finding and retaining good-fit candidates has become more complex for businesses of […]