Resumes are dead. Here’s the secret to hiring better, faster, smarter
Ditch the resume. Your competitors already have. Here’s how smart SMEs are winning the talent war now
Ditch the resume. Your competitors already have. Here’s how smart SMEs are winning the talent war now
Numerous hours (and resources) are devoted to recruiting the best person for the job. So what’s a business left to do if a candidate padded their resume to stand out from the crowd?
By: Glenn Cochran, Regional Director at RB Australia and New Zealand Research by McCrindle [1] shows that the average tenure within a job in Australia is 3.3 years, which is significantly less than in the 1970s when average job tenure of people aged over 45 years old was 10 years. With the same research showing that […]
Adding digital evidence, putting yourself in the thick of the action and using a professional summary to highlight your unique selling proposition are three easy CV hacks that will help you reach the shortlist, says recruiting experts Hays. “As a jobseeker it can be tough to stand out, but there are a few tips that […]
Digital technology is driving change in the Australian workforce like never before. And while it’s creating more efficient and effective work environments, it also brings with it some unique challenges. Professions and career models have begun to morph, talent gaps are widening, and finding and retaining good-fit candidates has become more complex for businesses of […]
It’s the scenario no manager wants to face but it happens all too often: an employee quits on the spot and the position left vacant needs to be filled ASAP. Usual recruitment cycles can take up to two months with job ads to create, interviewing, hiring and offering and all the recruitment admin that’s part of […]
Top tips to help you formulate an effective, structured phone interview that will give you an initial impression of the candidate, and help you to avoid wasting time.
Once you’ve narrowed your stack of resumes down to 10 or so top candidates, it’s time to start setting up interviews. If you dread this portion of the process, you’re not alone.
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