When does advertising become MADvertising?
When considering any marketing campaign, it is best to put your money somewhere where it will work harder for you… and that isn’t necessarily advertising.
When considering any marketing campaign, it is best to put your money somewhere where it will work harder for you… and that isn’t necessarily advertising.
A business owner’s personal brand is just as important as their business’ brand – customers have to like both, or they’ll take their business elsewhere. Here’s some expert advice for creating a personal brand worthy of praise and credibility.
Here’s why we’ll all benefit from the fierce competition between the two giants of social networking – Google+ and Facebook.
Winning a business award is one of the most cost-effective ways to market your business, so Michelle Gamble has some tips for making an award work for you.
Michelle Gamble blogs about the impact Near Field Communications will have on the marketing landscape.
“NFC communication chips will make it just as easy for consumers to make that extra saving. If NFC chips were on everything in stores, consumers could swipe it with their phones and see if they can get a better deal elsewhere.”
Michelle Gamble blogs about creating a strong brand to better engage with customers.
“You don’t need a huge budget or long established brand to create raving fans.”
Michelle Gamble blogs about engaging your target market via social media apps.
“Giveaways, landing pages, competitions, polls and other engagement apps are cropping up across social networking and are looking increasingly impressive.”
Michelle Gamble blogs about getting your online form right and converting visitors to leads or sales.
“A bad online form can kill an otherwise great website. You need to balance the need to get more people to actually fill it out and build your database, with the need to get more insights about your potential customers.”
Michelle Gamble blogs about nurturing leads and using your database as a powerful marketing tool.
“Save the sales pitch to a small section of the newsletter and only let them know when there is something different happening- for example a new product or when you’re running a special offer.”
Michelle Gamble blogs about her up and down relationship with group buying sites.
“That got me thinking about the future of group buying. Surely I’m not the only one who has a love-hate relationship with the sometimes inbox clogging emails.”