Remove Remember me and place cookie
Remember Me near login needs to be removed and made a standard browser option (ie prompt IE or firefox to automatically try to remember or add a cookie).
Remember Me near login needs to be removed and made a standard browser option (ie prompt IE or firefox to automatically try to remember or add a cookie).
Side skyscraper banner needs to be pushed out to the left to match the top menu bar (and give a little space between skyscraper and news feeds)
Top2 ad banner appears to have gotten smaller. please return to the size that I previosuly specified.
2nd Level Page Title Bars (ie red and gray bars) need to be setup so that they grow or shrink to the size of the Words (you may need to put an extra TD in and have a repeating 10px background or a background color for the td)
All Side menu buttons to be updated as per Spreadsheet (needs some new sections and categories) Side menu sub menu needs Red arrow and menu text for Active state Side menu arrows for top level menu items need to point down when their sub menu is active (please advise if this is outside CSS capabilities)
Top menu need changes to the a: active state. Top menu needs Java script to drop down menu options Top menu needs Active menu to be made white as per Photoshop Highlight top menus at same time as bottom menus where appropriate (ie if you are highlighting Startup. both toip and bottom are highlighted, please […]
For ease of tracking and task completion and to ensure change requests are not falling through the cracks, I have created a changes request blog. Check leftt menu for it. Progress update: Categories are uploaded, content is converted and will be pushed up today. As discussed with Colin Monday PM, Search Bar has been moved […]
We have changed most of the items as requested in the Thursday meeting. See the updated changes list. We have changed the business directory categories which are more business like. One of the team also made a good suggestion to fill in the right hand of the page with the business directory listing. Whilst the […]
Hi Colin We managed to add a stack of categories to the Business Directory and will be adding more in the next day. After that we will be populating the categories with data. I dont think we will get to the design/style stuff until this afternoon possibly tommorrow (the indians work Sat) Talk to you […]
A livelihood for any wholesaler or distributor relies on getting their products into the retail environment. Cameron Bayley gathers tips from those in the know about how to get some edge over the competition. &ldquoIt&rsquos not brain surgery, being a good wholesaler,&rdquo says Brad Glass, who distributes golfing apparel line PING for American Golf Supplies. […]