How to think like your customer
Marketers behave differently online than their customers. Here’s how to fix the disconnect and gain some insight into your customer base.
Marketers behave differently online than their customers. Here’s how to fix the disconnect and gain some insight into your customer base.
Businesses expect to close in on a sale after communicating once with a potential buyer, but research found that 98 percent of sales occur once a certain level of trust has been established.
Web chat is the preferred channel for consumer customer service according to a new report from Fifth Quadrant.
We’ve all been faced with unpleasant, pushy salespeople at one time or another. This is not to say that they’re all bad, but there are some who, dare I say, need a brutal reality check.
When a customer demands to speak with me, the owner, about an issue normally resolved by my customer service team, it usually means that the end of our relationship is nigh.
New study by Fifth Quadrant found that 70 percent of Australian companies are offering social media as a customer service channel, while only 31 percent of consumers are making any use of it.
Customer satisfaction is a joke. It’s customer loyalty that’s the real challenge.
Last week, She Inspires hosted a seminar with small business owner, Angela Vithoulkas. She spoke about using social media to brand her cafe. Here’s what she had to say.
Principles of customer service are nice, but you need to put those principles into action with everything you do and say.
Four in five Australian contact centres use customer feedback programs, but less than a third pay any attention to it.