A Sydney-based digital marketing agency is giving not-for-profit organisations with limited digital know-how an opportunity to have their campaigns managed at no cost.
The #GivingBackToCommunity initiative was launched by Octos in January, this year. According to the agency’s founder and CEO, Nital Shah, NFPs, including Breast Cancer Network Australia, Cure Brain Cancer Foundation, Optometry Giving Sight and Sands have already benefitted from the initiative.
He explained, “These organisations have seen increased brand awareness and digital popularity which helped them to better reach volunteers, donors, members and sponsors.
“We launched #GivingBackToCommunity after Google announced its Google Ad Grants, which enabled the approved NFPs to receive up to $10,000 per month via in-kind AdWords advertising. Google’s initiative is an opportunity for NFPs to gain recognition in the Digital World but it had one major loophole: not all the NFPs are digitally educated and many lack the technical know-how to make an effective move in the digital market. This is where Octos’ #GivingBackToCommunity comes in.”