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Transport improvements welcomed

The Sydney Chamber of Commerce has welcomed suggestions that there are a number of major transport and road projects under consideration by the NSW Government.

“Proposals such as the $7 billion inner-city motorway – to be partially funded by energy privatisation – would be welcomed by the business community,” Mrs Patricia Forsythe said.

“The proposed truck-only tunnel linking the M4 to Port Botany would be of particular valueto businesses needing to move goods around the city.

“We would argue that the lion’s share of funds from energy privatisation must go towards improving roads and public transport.

Mrs Forsythe said that significant investment into transport is required to cope with Sydney’s growth.

“By 2025 Sydney will have an extra 1.1 million people and 500,000 jobs. Mrs Forsythe said that the number one issue impacting Sydney’s livability is the efficiencyand effectiveness of our transport network.

“Congestion comes at a significant cost to the business and wider community. Our research has found 57 per cent of Sydneysiders spend over two hours per day commuting. Any measures which tackle congestion are worthy of consideration.

“Businesses are reminded everyday that traffic congestion is costing them money – every time a staff member is late, or a delivery delayed – business foots the bill,” Mrs Forsythe concluded.

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