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A new publication aims to raise awareness among SMEs of the importance of being prepared for any kind of incident, including a terrorist attack.

Released by the Attorney-General’s office, Good Security—Good Business contains advice and ideas on how to understand the risks that your business could face in an emergency, evaluating such risks, developing an emergency plan in response, and a continuity plan on how to get your business going again after an emergency.

With Australia spending more than $8 billion on security related measures since 2001, Attorney-General Philip Ruddock says all sectors of society have been involved in measures to prevent terrorism, and the Federal Government continues to work closely with all levels of government as well as businesses and the community.

In light of overseas and local events it pays to be aware, he adds. “The alleged plot to blow up planes leaving Heathrow Airport in August proves that terrorism continues to be a serious global threat,” Ruddock says. “Convictions obtained here of a number of people for terrorism related offences along with a significant number of cases currently before the courts demonstrate that Australia also needs to remain vigilant.”

Copies of the book can be downloaded from www.tisn.gov.au or ordered by calling 1300 656 863. 

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