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Business Council to embrace Rudd government

The Business Council of Australia (BCA) has been quick to distance itself from the anti-union advertising campaign it funded in the lead up to the election, accepting that a Rudd government had the ability to abolish WorkChoices.

BCA president Grieg Gailey said the campaign was run on “issues” not politics. “We're entitled to have a view on what should and shouldn't be incorporated into policy," he said. "The issue for us in industrial relations now is how do we make the new system work."
Gailey expressed concern for the transition period in removing WorkChoices, noting that the new government had to act carefully with regard to this period of uncertainty to ensure minimum disruption to businesses.
He also denied that the BCA would find it difficult to work with unions despite high profile union leaders Bill shorten and Greg Combet winning seats. "I am absolutely confident we will continue to work effectively with trade unions," he said.

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