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Below par job applicants inundating SMEs

The increase in online job sites is burdening small business owners with huge numbers of substandard job applications.

A study by management solutions company Expr3ss! has revealed job seekers now send out applications for multiple jobs at once, including jobs that may not be suitable, or simply as part of providing a platform for salary negotiations with their existing employer.

The study showed the number of applicants applying for jobs increased by as much as 75 percent over the last year, with the number of below average suitability increasing by 96 percent. In comparison, the number of above average candidates rose by only 51 percent.

“Many job seekers adopt a ‘flick and stick’ approach, where they build an online profile, run a key word search for applicable jobs and flick their resume through to all of them,” says Carolyne Burns, managing director. “So while we expected the candidate short market to result in reduced numbers of applications received, in fact the opposite is happening.”

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