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Australian business, getting better at going global

Productivity centres will be set up throughout Australia to assist small to medium enterprises (SMEs) grow their international competitiveness.

The productivity centres, part of a $351.8 million initiative by the Australian Government, will target SME manufacturers and service companies.

By providing a no cost business review and access to funding for tailored advisory services, the centres are aimed at helping Australian businesses assess their capabilities and international competitiveness.

Participating businesses will get a diagnostic report benchmarking their company and supplied with steps for future action.

"If we are to remain competitive on the world stage we need to continue to improve our existing efficiencies and either develop, or adopt international best practice" said Christine Gibbs Stewart, General Manager, Business Globally with NSW Business Chamber.

The NSW Business Chamber will deliver the services of the Productivity Centres with an office located in North Sydney. Other offices will be located in Newcastle, Tamworth, Bathurst, Canberra, Tweed Heads and Wollongong.

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