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Ask Expert Categories Template Page

Ask Expert Categories Template Page

For each Ask Expert Category Page a template needs to be laid out a per following;

  1. Large Red Grey Title Bar with Category (ie Export) and Ask the Expert. 
  2. Below this list of 15 latest "Ask the Expert Questions" for this category (ie Export Expert Topics)
  3. Each question in list should have Heading and 2 line excerpt and more button
  4. Below this Same column – Section with Dark grey border liight grey background called "Ask the Expert a Question"
  5. Need a form below with Name – Email and Company and Comments Field so that readers can ask the expert a question. This needs to go to questions@dymanicbusiness.com (may need a new plug in to do this)
  6. Right column needs a Heading from Joola Section "Top 10 Tips" for particular Joomla category being displayed. Top 10 Tips heading should be same type as News Feeds on front page ie  Red Arrow and Grey Box with Uppercase heading
  7. Poll below Ask Expert a Question


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