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The Federal Government’s response to remote indigenous communities has intrigued many, including Bill Moss, former Macquarie Bank executive. Debates have, to date, focused on the problems faced, rather than possible solutions. Moss is hoping to change this.

Moss is now working together with Gunya Australia, a private business working to develop economic independence in Aboriginal communities. The only real solution is a government supported Indigenous Economic Development Scheme (IEDS), he says. “IEDS offers a unique solution to stopping this decline and facilitating a reduction in this gap by developing new businesses, providing new employment opportunities, education and training and thus creating unified, vibrant, healthy and sustainable communities,” says Moss. “The IEDS initiative is primarily aimed at encouraging and stimulating private and corporate sector investment into the development of sustainable job creating enterprises within Aboriginal communities around the country.”

Moss believes the constant failure of schemes and initiative aimed at assisting Aboriginal communities is due to their lack of a long-term sustainable employment plan.

“Over the past 20 years Australia has experienced an exceptional level of economic growth and personal prosperity, the envy of most countries around the world. However, we are a society where these benefits are often limited to certain sectors and geographic areas,” says Moss. “Inequity has grown in Australia creating a widening gap that is ever more difficult for marginalised groups, particularly indigenous peoples, to cross.”

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