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5km APEC fence: essential security measure

The decision to erect a five kilometer fence and close major roads in the Sydney CBD during the APEC Summit is an essential security measure, according to the Sydney Chamber of Commerce.

"The fence is a tough but necessary security measure," said Patricia Forsythe, Executive Director of the Sydney Chamber of Commerce.

"We have been told from the start there would be significant security measures, so this decision is not entirely unexpected.

"There may be a view that the fence will be bad for some businesses, but we must remember that any security breach would be far worse for the economy.

Mrs Forsythe urged Sydneysiders to accept the reality that APEC is a major security and logistical operation.

"For security reasons there obviously needs to road closures and this will of course be an inconvenience for people.

"We’re urging Sydneysiders to plan their travel carefully during the APEC Summit, especially if they are traveling to the airport.

Mrs Forsythe has said that despite the inconvenience of the APEC Summit, Sydneysiders should not lose sight of the bigger picture.

"If Sydney wants to be actively engaged in the region and benefit from the global economy, we must support and promote the APEC vision," Mrs Forsythe concluded.

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