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What can you learn from the Dalai Lama & animals to help your business?

A few weeks ago I had the absolute privilege of having a teaching with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. In this teaching he talked of having a great connection with your fellow man (as you could guess I was very excited about this topic given my expertise).

He first made some comments about always showing respect for other people and he then took a pause, and said “We are not turtles.” At first I thought he got the wrong English word but then he continued “We are not turtles, we are cats and dogs.” Still a little confused, wondering if he had actually gotten his words mixed up however he was right, of course, as we are not turtles.

His Holiness explained that turtles leave their eggs once they are laid and when hatched the baby turtles find themselves alone, they have to feed and protect themselves and fight for their own survival, however, when a kitten or a puppy is born they find themselves in the company of someone who is caring for them, cleaning them, feeding them, protecting them (just like we do). We aren’t sure who this big thing is that is protecting and nurturing us is, however, we need it and that need follows us all through life.

He explained that to connect successfully with each other we need to understand that need and nurture your fellow man. Nurture him with kindness, respect and compassion and they will do the same back to you.

I thought this was a wonderful message, if we look after each other, like kittens and puppies do, then we will continue to stay connected and fulfilled.

I believe that if you act in the best interest of the other person you will also benefit. There is a great saying “givers get” and I believe that is true.

We are not turtles.

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Lady Danielle Di-Masi

Lady Danielle Di-Masi

Lady Danielle Di-Masi is a business etiquette expert, specialising in building effective business relationships through connection and rapport. She is a speaker, writer and trainer. Lady Danielle is passionate about assisting how a business is perceived by how its staff behaves and connects with its associates. If you would like to connect with Lady Danielle then please join her on facebook: www.facebook.com/nextbusinessleaders Or if you prefer email: info@nextbusinessleaders.com or visit www.nextbusinessleaders.com

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