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QLD workers $7 million richer

QLD workers $7 million richer
Queensland workers are more than $7 million richer this week thanks to the Federal Government’s Fair Work Ombudsman.
The ombudsman has recovered $7.03 million for 8,292 workers in Queensland who were underpaid last financial year.
Fair Work Ombudsman executive director Michael Campbell said this should serve as a warning to employers to ensure they pay their staff correctly.
“Our preference is always to work with employers to educate them and help them voluntarily rectify any non-compliance issues we identify,’ he said.
‘However, employers must be aware that it is their responsibility to ensure they pay staff correctly.’
Campbell says the Fair Work Ombudsman can help employers and workers to understand their rights and obligations under new National Employment Standards and Modern Awards, which take effect on 1 January, 2010.

Queensland workers are more than $7 million richer this week thanks to the Federal Government’s Fair Work Ombudsman.

The ombudsman has recovered $7.03 million for 8,292 workers in Queensland who were underpaid last financial year.

Fair Work Ombudsman executive director Michael Campbell said this should serve as a warning to employers to ensure they pay their staff correctly.

“Our preference is always to work with employers to educate them and help them voluntarily rectify any non-compliance issues we identify,” he said.

“However, employers must be aware that it is their responsibility to ensure they pay staff correctly.”

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Jessica Stanic

Jessica Stanic

Jessica has a background in both marketing and journalism and is dedicated to making the website the leading online resource for small to medium businesses with ambitions to grow.

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