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Aussie-British relationship in trouble as tourism dives

Tourism Minister Martin Ferguson has less than three months to save Australia’s sagging tourism numbers from another cruel blow to our most valuable market – Britian, says Shadow Tourism Minister Steven Ciobo.

Ciobo said the 112 percent hike in flight taxes by the British Government would hit the Australian market hardest of all, and may force 35,000 British tourists expected to travel here for next year’s Ashes, think twice.

“This is yet another blow for an industry that’s already suffered the perfect storm of the global financial crisis, swine flu and $1 billion of extra tourism taxes imposed by the Rudd Labor Government,” he said.

According to Ciobo, Mr Ferguson failed to convince the British Government to stop or mitigate the tax and urged the Rudd Government to act now to stop what could be a disaster for Australian tourism.

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Jessica Stanic

Jessica Stanic

Jessica has a background in both marketing and journalism and is dedicated to making the website the leading online resource for small to medium businesses with ambitions to grow.

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