Tax Help is at hand near you
This year 1,200 Tax Help volunteers will be on hand at 830 community centres across Australia to provide support to people having difficulty completing their own tax returns.
This year 1,200 Tax Help volunteers will be on hand at 830 community centres across Australia to provide support to people having difficulty completing their own tax returns.
The ATO is urging all employers to ensure they have implemented the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rate rise which increased to 9.5 per cent on 1 July 2014.
Small business Minister Bruce Billson has announced red tape reductions to ease tax compliance costs for SMEs by up to $56 million a year.
A new system will soon remove the complexities for business owners when they make employee superannuation contributions.
The number of small businesses facing insolvency has declined according to figures produced by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.
The Australian Taxation Office is increasingly concerned at the growth in crypto-currency Bitcoin. It will soon release a ruling on how the digital currency is to be treated for tax purposes. The decision may have significant consequences on the usage of the currency in Australia. The ATO was initially unconcerned by the emergence of the […]
With the end of financial year just around the corner, it’s a great time to consider the results for this year and what you want to achieve next year.
With one month to go until the end of financial year, around one third of SMEs are making inroads into their financial reporting obligations – the majority will leave it to the last minute.
As the end of financial year approaches, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is expected to data-match over 640 million transactions to tax returns this year.
An array of factors including sustained pay inequality, a high prevalence of participation in part time work and career breaks for family mean there is a significant super gap between men and women’s retirement savings.