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Angus Brown and Zac Robinson

Expert: The science behind successful food brands

In the startup world, there’s a common theme among founders – growth, speed, and scale. But how often do we stop to think about why customers should trust us and invest in our products long-term?

Especially in the food and beverage industry, where trends change faster than you can say “keto”. The brands that win in the long term are the ones with real value or measurable benefits – that’s where clinical research comes in. And Ārepa is living proof.

When we started Ārepa, a food technology company that develops 100% natural brain health drinks designed to support brain mood and mental performance, we weren’t content with just a slick brand and good marketing. We wanted to go deeper. We wanted the science to back us up, so we searched the globe to find an academic expert that could help and that is when we met Professor Andrew Scholey, Director of Psychopharmacology at Swinburne University. Fast forward to today, Ārepa is the market leader in brain health drinks across Australia and New Zealand, with five clinical studies already published and nine more underway across Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Although the studies are different in design and demographic, there is one common theme in the evidence to date – this formula works. It isn’t just marketing talk – it’s placebo-controlled and science-driven real-world human evidence that’s revolutionising the way people think about what they put in their bodies. And if you’re a startup founder in the food and beverage space, clinical research should be on the top of your list too. Here’s why.

Build Credibility and Trust 

In today’s information-overloaded world, consumers are more skeptical than ever. A flashy Instagram ad might grab one’s attention, but it won’t secure long-term loyalty. People want proof that your product delivers on its promises. For Ārepa, we knew that no amount of “clean” branding or influencer partnerships would build the kind of trust we were aiming for. So, we leaned into neuroscience and how we could positively impact our consumers, especially the 1 in 3 on the planet who suffer from neurological concerns [1].

The five clinical studies we’ve published so far didn’t just give us a stamp of approval – they set us apart in an industry filled with wellness claims. Scientific evidence is a game-changer for startups, particularly for those that are often dismissed as just another “trendy” product. Clinical research allows you to show customers that your product isn’t just another marketing gimmick but something that works and is backed by evidence. 

Brands that invest in clinical research can point to hard data, not just anecdotes, to prove their claims. In a world where “fake it till you make it” is the norm, being the brand that has every claim backed with research sets you apart – it builds credibility and trust between you and your customers.

Accelerate Product Development

Clinical research isn’t just about proving your product works – it’s also about improving it. Through our ongoing studies, we’ve learned more about how the natural ingredients in our products interact with the brain in ways we never thought possible – we’ve created over 4 patents from the learnings in the research and are leveraging them to help raise capital and to defend against copycats. These findings have led to iterations, tweaks, and product enhancements that have allowed us to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of our formulations.

For example, our research into blackcurrants has uncovered a brand new molecule (think of molecules like caffeine, resveratrol or L-theanine) called sarmentosin which has an interesting effect on propping up neurotransmitters like dopamine which relates to mood and motivation [2] – this finding has allowed us to select certain Neuroberry blackcurrant varieties where sarmentosin is highest and refine our formulas to have more of this bioactive. In our journey, these insights have been invaluable. We’re not just guessing; we’re using real data to constantly optimise what we deliver to customers.

Startups, especially in food and beverage, need to iterate quickly and smartly. Clinical research gives you an edge by showing you exactly what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to refine your product to the highest standard. Instead of relying on feedback from early adopters or random customer surveys, you gain measurable and factual insights allowing you to produce your product to the highest standard.

Unlock New Markets and Opportunities

When we first launched Ārepa, our mission was simple; create a brain health drink that actually works. What we didn’t anticipate was just how much clinical research would open doors for us. Today, because of the studies we’ve conducted, we now have GPs recommending our product, we are in conversations with elite sports teams, healthcare providers, mental health advocates and multinational F&B companies who want to incorporate our products into their solutions. 

Clinical research can give your brand legitimacy beyond the consumer market. Investors, partners, and even Government agencies are more likely to take you seriously if you have the science and IP to back up your claims. Today, our company is now able to explore conversations with healthcare providers, elite sports teams or Dementia research grants due to the science we have published.

If you’re a founder, think about how clinical research (or research in general) can unlock new IP or revenue streams. Could your product become part of a medical or wellness initiative? Could it be endorsed by health professionals? These opportunities exist for brands willing to invest in science.

Invest in Long-Term Growth Over Short-Term Hype

Every founder wants that explosive growth moment, where everyone’s talking about their product. But here’s the thing; hype fades. The brands that last are the ones that deliver consistent, measurable value and benefits to their customers. That’s why clinical research isn’t just an investment in your product – it’s an investment in the future of your company.

For Ārepa, the five studies we’ve already published have laid the foundation for long-term success, but the nine studies we have underway? That’s where the future lies. We’re not just building a product that works today; we’re building one that evolves with the science of brain health. And in five, ten, or twenty years, we’ll still be here because we’ll have the data and IP to prove it and a rich backing of science which makes our brand reliable, credible and trusted.

Founders need to think beyond the initial buzz. Yes, it’s exciting to build a product that everyone’s talking about, but what happens when the spotlight fades? What happens when the next punter creates something “better”, or you have a multinational running a targeted media attack and releasing a copycat you haven’t patented. Clinical research and IP gives your brand staying power. It’s about building something that endures.

It’s Easier Than You Think

Clinical research isn’t as out of reach as it seems. When we started Ārepa, we weren’t a big corporation with millions to spend on studies – we were two friends with ambition and an idea. But we partnered with academic institutions, neuroscientists, and food technologists who believed in our mission. It turns out, there are plenty of people out there who are just as passionate about science as you are about your product.

If you’re a founder, don’t be intimidated by the thought of clinical research. You don’t need to have a massive budget. What you need is a clear hypothesis, a commitment to science, and the right partnerships. We’ve seen firsthand that when you invest in research, the payoff is massive – not just in terms of consumer trust but in terms of innovation, product development, and market opportunity.

Our company’s journey has been defined by one thing; our commitment to clinical research. From the very beginning, we knew that we wanted to create a product that wasn’t just trendy but scientifically proven to make a difference. Five clinical studies later [3], and with nine more underway, we’ve seen firsthand how this approach has transformed our brand from a startup into a market leader in brain health drinks across Australia and New Zealand.

If you’re a founder in the food and beverage space, the lesson is clear; invest in science. In an industry filled with empty promises, clinical research is your key to credibility, product development, and long-term success. The brands that back their claims with hard data will always rise above the noise. So, take the plunge. The science is worth it.

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Yajush Gupta

Yajush Gupta

Yajush is a journalist at Dynamic Business. He previously worked with Reuters as a business correspondent and holds a postgrad degree in print journalism.

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