Sales is a demanding profession. Top performers know that to sustain a high level of performance, they need to keep fit and well – both physically and psychologically. They are self disciplined, self managed and take good care of themselves.
You only have to look at them and know they are healthy. Their skin is clear, they have a vitality about them that is fresh, their attitude is positive and they are keen to learn.
As business owners and leaders we can do a lot to set the values and culture of our business by what we encourage and value and how we live our lives. We want our businesses’ to be healthy and successful, in doing so we need our people to be healthy and successful as well.
What sort of sales culture do you encourage? Is it one of health and wellbeing or a boozy, extreme living on the edge culture?
Help model good behaviours and ways of living like this will help you and your team lead healthier sales careers and lives. It will be good for your business too.
Here are some tips for a better wellbeing
Wellbeing indicators can be grouped in five:
- Productivity – related to work life, or other productive activity.
- Emotional – satisfaction, contentment with ones life according to whether it is consistent with their life plans (includes mental health).
- Health – objective and subjective measures of the status of physical well being.
- Intimacy – Connectedness with friends and family
- Safety – Actual level of safety – physical and perceived safety
Ways to enhance your well-being
Sleep: regular sleep habits, uninterrupted by wakeful periods, awaken feeling refreshed.
- Activity: pleasant events, social activities, hobbies, games etc
- Regular Exercise: regular (20 minutes, raised heart rate at least 3 x /wk)
- Food & Nutrition: regular five meals per day. Balanced diet high in fruit, veggie’s and fibre.
- Other: relaxation/meditation, personal development, supportive counselling, complimentary medicine
Your overall wellbeing will influence both your drive and resilience in sales.
Remember everybody lives by selling something.