A blog can be a powerful platform to promote your business. Here are five tips for getting the most out of your blog.
There are endless ways a blog can be utilised. The most important thing is to determine what the purpose of the blog is. This may be considered boring or too goal focused however, this one aspect will determine success. It will decide how to gain an audience, how to interact with them and how to keep them interested.
So what is it that you want to achieve? Do you want to promote your business expertise, use it as a weekly newsletter or engage in conversation on industry hot topics?
Whatever it is will influence what content is to be developed. And content is the most powerful and effective way to promote your blog. This is where knowing what the purpose of the blog is vital as you are able to target your content specific to the audience.
Here are 5 tips to promote your business through your blog:
1. Industry news
What is happening in your industry? Why not share news, information and events that are occurring in your sector. It is a great way to let others know that you are up to date with market news and know your industry well.
2. Highlight your great customer service
If you go out of your way to assist your customers, why not promote this customer service to differentiate your business from others. Customer assistance is unappreciated and not considered important by a lot of businesses. If you can highlight this service, your business will stand out.
3. Comment on other blogs
Find blogs that relate to your business and connect with them and other bloggers. Read blogs, comment on them and share them on your own business blog. You can provide real value when you comment and you extend your audience to a much wider reach. If people are interested in what you have to say they will also look up your business.
4. Share feedback
Reviews and feedback are great ways to share what others have to say about your business. It is not forceful advertising but powerful word of mouth testimonials. People like to see what others have to say before they try a product and service. So if a customer or client leaves a positive response, then turn this into a story for your blog.
5.Team events
Do you have a great team that supports the business? Then why not use this as a tool for promoting your business. Whether you are involved in a charity event or a team building exercise, get one of the team to write about their experience. It promotes a human element of your business and provides a connection for you audience.
There are endless ways a blog can be used for effective promotion of your business. If you are not great at writing, it might be worth hiring someone who writes blogs and other social media content, that way you can gain maximum traction.