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Online Social Networking & Business Collaboration

This exciting event covers the second generation of web based communities. With day one exploring the explosion of online participation and the opportunities this brings for both advertisers and marketers. Day two continues to assess web 2.0 and how it can assist business process.

Day 1 | online social networking

With consumers living, interacting and buying online, social media and consumer generated media presents a wealth of opportunities within the digital advertising and marketing community. Harness the opportunity’s from the evolving relationships between consumers, brands and social media in the fastest growing marketing arena of our age.

Day 2 | business collaboration

Web 2.0 technologies are enabling improved online communication, allowing enterprise to collaborate more effectively internally and externally across a number of key processed creating significant business value. Discover how leading organisations have benefited from effective collaboration through practical insights from both local and global perspectives, and unlock the potential of your organisation.

Understand tomorrow today

 For more information, and to make bookings, click here

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