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Managed Communications Solutions

In today’s fast-changing business environment, no organisation can afford to stand still. This is particularly true for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that are looking to even the playing field with enterprise clients, competitors and peers.

So how can an SME move from where it is now, to where it needs to be? One answer is ‘managed’ enterprise communication services.

Increasing customer expectations, reducing margins, and intense competitive pressure are among the top challenges forcing businesses to improve the effectiveness of their communications. Businesses need voice and data solutions that can deliver immediate access to communications tools and information, regardless of employee location or the type of communications device they are using.

Increased efficiency and productivity are other concerns for businesses. Managed communication services can deliver efficiencies in the form of reduced line rentals, and free phone calls and data transfer between sites. Productivity can be improved by keeping staff connected, and with customer information at your fingertips, customer service can be improved.

Managed communications improves operational efficiency and contributes to a consistent and superior customer experience by making communications more effective, secure, mobile and personal. More than just a voice solution, managed communications is a strategic business investment that integrates voice, data, video, security, and mobility into a single, smart solution that works with existing business applications to make the organisation more competitive.

Silver Telecom provides free business communications and return-on-investment analysis to qualifying small to medium business owners. To arrange a free consultation, contact the Silver team on 1300 790 932 or sales@silversolutions.com.au, or visit www.silversolutions.com.au for more information.


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