C- Level executives continually strive to find the newest techniques to help their business grow and outdo the competition. Influencing audiences and growing a loyal customer base is a key part of any growth strategy. Yet reaching customers in today’s digital world is increasingly hard, as consumers become accustomed to a barrage of promotional content and messages. How can marketers implement techniques that are guaranteed to reach important audiences, while remaining cost effective?
One solution to this issue is TransPromo, the printing industry’s term for the combination of personalised marketing messaging and “must-read” documents such as bills or statements. One document most people are guaranteed to read is a monthly bill or statement. The traditional method of communicating via the bill was to include a promotional insert. However, the response rate of these inserts remains low.
Envelopes filled with impersonal ads are not an effective way to capture an audience’s attention. Why not break this tradition and give bills and statements the makeover they need? A successful TransPromo campaign will eliminate the use of separate promotional materials. Replacing inserts with onserts – the addition of marketing materials directly on a bill or statement – can also cut printing costs, while being more environmentally friendly.
Marketers are taking advantage of standard white space on direct mail by adding colorful, promotional material customised for each consumer.
Furthermore, an organisation can predict consumer behaviour, presenting targeted offers based on actual purchase habits. Bills and statements are an existing record of consumer spending habits and can be used to ensure special offers are targeted to each customer. For example, presenting a baseball fan with a coupon for discounted sports clothing on the same bill as their newly purchased tickets for a game, is a logical offer based upon that specific consumer’s behavior.
A recent Zoomerang study of 1,000 18-35 year olds in the US discovered that 86 percent of consumers said they have never purchased a product or service from a separate promotional insert. Yet, 64 percent of participants surveyed said that they would use personalised coupons if printed directly onto monthly statements and bills, with nearly half responding that it would encourage brand loyalty. These results show that marketing can be more effective while reducing costs spent on paper, increasing revenue and improving brand loyalty – something that has taken people in the industry
years to grasp.
TransPromo is a key solution any organisation can utilise to help increase ROI while achieving higher sustainability. Despite sounding intimidating, it can be easily adapted with the right assistance from vendors and partners, from start to finish.
René Kisselbach is the ANZ Country General Manager, InfoPrint Solutions.