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All the links you're likely to need in order to research, start up and grow your export business.


AIEx (Australian Institute of Export)

A not–for–profit private organisation, the Australian Institute of Export provides education and training courses and enjoys representation in Federal, State and Territory Governments. AIEx offers guidance, support, representation and recognition for both potential and established exporters.

NSW Business Chamber (formerly ABL State Chamber)

The NSW Business Chamber helps businesses of all sizes to manage people and grow more effectively. Providing practical assistance to help you identify key challenges within your business and how best to manage these challenges to ensure future business security and development.

Government bodies

Austrade (Australian Trade Commission)

Austrade is the leading government body for trade in Australia, providing advice, support and market intelligence to Australian companies in order to reduce risk, cost and time involved in selecting, entering and developing their international trade practices. Austrade also provides advice on investing in foreign markets.

EFIC (Export Finance and Insurance Corporation )

EFIC is Australia’s export credit agency and provides assistance to Australian businesses exporting and investing overseas by providing structured insurance and finance, guarantees and bonding facilities in order to help businesses enter new markets and develop private market capacity.

DFAT  (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade)

DFAT helps to develop and administer trade between Australia and overseas by researching overseas trade markets and assisting in the establishment of links with governments and businesses overseas.

NSW Small Business

NSW Small Business website lists all you need to know about getting ahead and staying ahead when setting up and running a small business in NSW. NSW Small Business covers information on government programs, starting and managing a business, exporting and technology and also provides links to further resources.

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