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Victorian Small Business Minister Joe Helper launches Energise Enterprise

Energise Enterprise, the Brumby Government’s month-long festival for small business was launched today by Victorian Small Business Minister, Joe Helper. The event will host more than 360 state-wide activities and is expected to attract about 30,000 business owners.

“Now in its third year, the festival highlights our small business calendar, and its success is shared with local government, industry associations, educators and private organisations whose valued input helps shape this worthwhile festival program,” said Helper.

The festival is especially beneficial for those considering starting up a small business, and many of the events are either free or don’t cost much. “We have ensured that many events remain free or low cost to ensure all Victorians can access the wealth of information on offer,” said Helper.

“Around 60 percent of small business operators tell me it is hard to attract or retain staff,” added Helper. “At Energise Enterprise we will launch a joint Brumby Government-Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) initiative that delivers around the state specialist information and advice through a Managing Your Staff seminar program.”

For more information, visit www.business.vic.gov.au/energise or call Small Business Victoria on 13 22 15.

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