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Twitter users attacked by worm virus

Twitter users were left confused over the weekend, when a computer program, known as a worm, barged into Twitter’s network displaying unwanted messages on infected Twitter accounts, urging users to visit a Twitter knockoff site StalkDaily.com.

According to Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, the worm was designed to automatically reproduce itself once its links were clicked on, and nearly 10,000 Twitter messages, known as “tweets,” had to be deleted to contain the potential damage.

However no personal information was stolen from Twitter users, and Stone assured users that their accounts are still safe.

“We are still reviewing all the details, cleaning up and we remain alert.”

Creator of StalkDaily.com and the person responsible for sending out the worm, Michael Mooney, a 17-year-old American high school student acknowledged he was responsible for the worm and wanted to promote his website along with exposing Twitter’s weakness.

In an interview with the Assosciated Press he claimed that he did not know it “would get so much attention.”

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Jessica Stanic

Jessica Stanic

Jessica has a background in both marketing and journalism and is dedicated to making the website the leading online resource for small to medium businesses with ambitions to grow.

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