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Entrepreneurs unite at StartupCamp

Yesterday afternoon 25 entrepreneurs gathered together to attend Canberra’s first StartupCamp, where they formed five teams to create a complete online business in just 48 hours.

The camp was a great success, with five innovative and exciting businesses created. They are as follows:

RateTheLoo – an online service designed to build upon the National Public Toilet Map to keep information on the condition and quality of facilities at public toilets as current as possible, and enable people to share this information in an informal way.

hereNthen – a service that enables its users to search tweets made in and about their current surroundings on their mobile phone, or on their computer. It also sorts these messages into a timeline to help present up to date and interesting information.

8what – a web service that enables people access to food recipes based on available ingredients and cooking time.

Jobs Done Network – a social network that connects volunteers with people who need jobs done. It is a site for individuals who are willing to offer their time and services to those in need.

FamilyWrap – allows Mums and Dads to share details about their childrens’ likes, dislikes, and clothing sizes, with those well-intentioned aunties, uncles, grandparents and other gift-givers to banish unsuitable gifts forever.

The teams will launch their fully functional businesses to the world tomorrow, and pitch to a panel of industry experts.

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Jessica Stanic

Jessica Stanic

Jessica has a background in both marketing and journalism and is dedicated to making the website the leading online resource for small to medium businesses with ambitions to grow.

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