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Employers struggle to manage staff in crisis

The business sector is buckling under the pressure of managing in uncertain times, according to the latest HR Coach Quarterly Index.

The index has uncovered a growing trend which has been identified as “management fatigue,” where the burden of managing organisations, staff, cash and expectations has taken its toll on employers and managers.

The index found that when it comes to areas of concern for both employers and employees in tough times, employers cited a lack of confidence in managing their staff, whilst employees claimed they are looking for direction from their employers.

Areas of improvement for employers include: informal communication and victim mentality, linking strategy to the actions of individuals, following up to make sure tasks are completed, individual accountability, and gaps in knowledge, skills and capability.

In a similar vein, employees cited they lack confidence in: opportunities for advancement, remuneration/pay and bonuses, efficient planning and decision making process, formal communication process, along with training and development.

According to HR Coach, businesses are in need of clear communication strategies and management structures.

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Jessica Stanic

Jessica Stanic

Jessica has a background in both marketing and journalism and is dedicated to making the website the leading online resource for small to medium businesses with ambitions to grow.

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