Creating business value through innovation is a key factor in the success of many businesses. But what happens when your idea or product has been stolen?
Defending Your IP presents the steps you should consider to both legally and commercially protect your intellectual property. It will also present what steps are involved in defending your IP.
“Rapid path to market is essential once you’ve secured your IP – there is a commercial window that needs to be exploited and many patent filers don’t realise this dynamic”, says Dan Liszka, CEO NSW Innovation Advisory Service.
Defending Your IP will be presented by Chris Carter, Partner, Davies Collison Cave (DCC). Chris has particular expertise in patent and design law. DCC provide commercially focused advice relating to obtaining and enforcing intellectual property rights. Also speaking will be Dan Liszka, Managing Director Alchemy Equities and NSW Innovation Advisory Service.
“There are the high-cost war stories of companies defending their IP, however there are a range of costeffective and procedural steps that business owners can deploy to mitigate or prevent this situation from occurring altogether. We will present these options at the seminar”, says Chris Carter, Partner DCC.
Defending Your IP is a NSW Innovation Advisory Service event. The NSW IAS is supported by the NSW State Government to assist innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs and small business to turn new ideas into viable products and new businesses.
To attend email: or call on 1300 411 417