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AI pushes for hike in unemployment pay

AI pushes for hike in unemployment pay
The Australian Institute is calling for the unemployment benefit to be lifted to help boost the economy.
Institute executive director Richard Denniss said the unemployment payment – currently $228 a week for singles – should be boosted.
“Increasing the unemployment benefit is the perfect way to stimulate the declining economy,” he told ABC Television.
The Australia Institute will put the argument forward at today’s Senate committee inquiry into the Rudd Government’s stimulus measures.

The Australian Institute is calling for the unemployment benefit to be lifted to help boost the economy.

Institute executive director Richard Denniss said the unemployment payment – currently $228 a week for singles – should be boosted.

“Increasing the unemployment benefit is the perfect way to stimulate the declining economy,” he told ABC Television.
According to Denniss, those receiving unemployment payments are likely to spend it quite quickly in the parts of the economy that need it the most.

The Australia Institute will put the argument forward at today’s Senate committee inquiry into the Rudd Government’s stimulus measures.

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Jessica Stanic

Jessica Stanic

Jessica has a background in both marketing and journalism and is dedicated to making the website the leading online resource for small to medium businesses with ambitions to grow.

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