The benefits of cloud computing for small businesses
If you are running a small to medium sized business, you will have probably heard of cloud computing.
If you are running a small to medium sized business, you will have probably heard of cloud computing.
The 2014 predictions are pouring in – here’s what’s getting the futurists excited about the year ahead.
There’s a conundrum for small business; looking to the bigger enterprises can be both inspirational and aspirational, but also dispiriting in terms of the resources divide.
For decades if not centuries, work has been a place you go. You went to the factory, to the mine or even the field. Work is still at a specific location for some – but for an increasing number of people, it can now take place virtually anywhere.
As we close out the year, 2013 sees Australia taking home the crown for being the largest smartphone market per capita. But are businesses taking advantage of this opportunity?
Law firms could be wasting hundreds of hours each year and miscalculating tens of thousands of hours in billable time due to problems with new technologies.
American airline Delta has announced that it expects to turn all its cockpits paperless by the end of 2014.
In a market heavily dominated by software giant Adobe, it’s no mean feat for a small company founded in Melbourne to set their sights on becoming a legitimate competitor.
The cloud doesn’t have to be all or nothing. That’s why we’ve seen a lot of ‘hybrid’ cloud solutions recently. As the name suggests, hybrid cloud solutions are partly in the cloud, partly kept on premises.
Forget the stereotypical image of a plumber or electrician you have in mind – these days tradies are getting technical.